RECOMMENDATION! DRÅPSNATT from skellefteå (very good band!)


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
poor band name, poor song titles, poor cover art, but SOMETIMES (apparently!) you should not judge a book by its cover (nor an album by its crappy presentation)


Good songs. Sorgeldom is amazing too. Any other plans to set me on the verge of ruin?

sorgeldom and dråpsnatt are both on frostscald records, and frostscald has the good taste to sell their own releases for a little over €5, so hopefully you won't be breaking the bank here

well anyway did you listen to WHIRLING yet? also pretty c00l
Yea, i checked out mp3's after you mentioned sorgeldom; liking them both so far. Will have to listen to whirling; they have a review up on avantgarde metal's site. This line definitely peaked my interest:

"Imagine The Gault convincing a depressive Fenriz to "jam” with them and above all Bergraven-vocalist Pär Gustafsson singing like he doesn’t know whether he just left or is short before entering the asylum, and you maybe catch a glimpse of the murky atmosphere"

Thoroughly enjoying both Dripshatt and Snorgletee, top shelf recos dear sir. I'll investigate further before purchasing, need to kike it up over the next few months.
I listened to DRÅPSNATT's album in it's entirety yesterday and it is indeed a solid release. My only gripe is the overabundant use of Vintersorg esque clean vox. Less is always more, subtlety produces a grand effect. I'm going to give it a couple more rounds before I reach a verdict. I fear that my interest for this album may be ephemeral.
only heard that one song from youtube but i know i'm buying it based on that alone
Never ended up listening to Inner Receivings, and now Sorgeldom has put out two full-lengths at the same time on May 10th. o_O
i found samples for both


"vithatten" is more primitive and foresty and "from outer intelligences" is more spacey and shoegazey, from what i gather

needless to say i will be getting both
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