
your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
so sometimes a band has really stupid cover art and that means i don't listen to them

sometimes that turns out to be a GRANDIOSE SCALE MISTAKE

fuckFUCK this band is the FUCK. going to order this tomorrow (?) but sleep first


for future reference, please peruse this list of what black metal should sound like:

  • this
These vocals are completely intolerable. Otherwise nothing innovative here.
I'll pass.
But wait, 5 stars just for posting music. Doesn't matter that I don't care for it.
does this riff remind anyone of anything

nokturnal mortum ripped this riff off completely for their song "black raven" was the point

alright. i was thinking that it sounded like something on filosofem. come to think of it, i haven't listened to nokturnal mortum in quiiiite some time. better whip out my "taste of victory" DVD box