Recommendation: Graumahd - Cheru


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia

1. Die letzte Nacht
2. Instrumental
3. Cheru
4. Ohne Welt
5. ...und dann kam Ruhe
6. Jahreskreis '05
7. Auwaldschatten I
8. Auwaldschatten II
9. Auwaldschatten III
10. Ausklang

So I was thinking a little while back that I've heard most of the so called "classics" in the neofolk genre, (C93, Sol Invictus, DIJ, N&O, later Empyrium) and a handful of more recent stuff that was impressive (Werkraum, Spiritual Front) but it all eventually diverged from what I was initially looking for in the genre, which was naturalistic contemporary folk that embodies that aesthetic.

I discovered Graumahd originally (as well with many other excellent bands) from the Wir Rufen Deine Wolfe compilation out from Gerhard (of Allerseelen)'s label Aorta. Their song on that compilation was strong, and I made a note to perhaps check out some of their other efforts in the future. Second encounter was on the "Mia Runa" 2CD compilation from Steinklang Industries, which featured the first "Jahreskreis" version. At that point I resolved that I must check out any other material they have available.

So musically, Graumahd resemble a very natural, simplistic neofolk group at first glance. And then you realize that there are nine people in the band, each doing very specific things. There is a huge amount of texturing and layering in the sound at work here. Of course, there no surprise here that this is the work of musicians that specialize in ambient music, gone to folk, and these musicians turn out to be nothing other than Wolf, Georg, and Jorg from Der Blutharsch (Albin Julius of DB also supports the core trio with harmonium drones buried deep in the foundations of the music).

So in any case, the songs are strong, powerful, that build up, sustain, and fade away often, all on acoustic instruments. All while it has that driving force of music, there is always very subtle touches added into the music that can be noticed with careful listening. In any case, a fresh breath of air in the genre.

This is pretty much an unorganized rant, and I'll probably collect these thoughts and refine them into an official review later.
They've got another release? I just thought they had that one album that no one knew anything about, like song titles, etc.
I will be ordering this as soon as the money goes through to my paypal. The first song is decent but the second song is really great. I like when they bring the classical guitar to the front (as in the first song on the demo). Hopefully it pops up even more on the album. Moose have you heard Neutral? They're from Russia and their album 'of shadow and its dream' would be right up your ally.
...nice music...BUt when it comes to this typically Neofolk Singing, my wish to buy both CD´s is always going to zero. What do you think about these (Forseti Like) often uninspired singing?

Anyway. Good musicians, nice layout but bad label.
addae said:
What do you think about these (Forseti Like) often uninspired singing?

The same as you, it's what turns me off almost every time along with long-winded repetitions of flat chords. Orplid could be a band of Empyrium-like greatness with a better-resolved approach to vocal harmony and songwriting as a whole.
The second track's guitar-only parts here rule some serious nazi ass, I say. :worship:
...With could be true...Uwe (one of them, is living in the same small town like me and i know hima liitle bit)is a very talented man (photographer, musician) but this way...Anyway there seem to be a lot of people loving this "true, organic, normal" sound...
I find this album to be pretty incredible. I appreciate the layering of all the instruments; there's a lot going and the focus of sounds vary from track to track, while overall at the same time it gives an impression of minimalism by not being overbearing. The vocals may be overall flat and dull, but the harmonies created between the multiple vocal tracks helps breathe a life back into it by bringing out an emotional intensity.

I particularly enjoy track 4, Ohne Welt.
spikes77 said:
I will be ordering this as soon as the money goes through to my paypal. The first song is decent but the second song is really great. I like when they bring the classical guitar to the front (as in the first song on the demo). Hopefully it pops up even more on the album. Moose have you heard Neutral? They're from Russia and their album 'of shadow and its dream' would be right up your ally.

Yeah, I've heard one track by Neutral from a compilation and it was really great. I didn't know they had a whole album out though. :loco:

First song was really good, it manages to create a nice dark atmosphere and has voclas pretty decent by neo folk standars. The second one was not very exciting