Recommendation: Horrors of The Black Museum - Demo 2006

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.

1. The Quiet Earth
2. Meia Noite
3. Deadbeat At Dawn (sample @ webpage)

These guys, from France, really took me by surprise last year with this demo. It's unlike anything I have heard before, really. It's not Doom Metal per sè but defnitely has Doom Metal elements with their own unique spin on it...VERY dark and VERY occult. To quote Herr Barnes from Hellride:

HotBM appears to be a singer and a guitar player, but their music sounds like a guitar-mating-with-a-Moog-on-overdrive… Jesus and Mary Chain-like super-distorted wall of misery applied to pulsing, hypnotic minor chord madness and slothful tempos with the end effect sounding like Goblin on some horrible Ketamine bender. The singer wails above it all in a plaintive-yet-clarion delivery.
Sound weird? Interesting? Listen...

These guys are gonna make things happen in the future if they stick together. You can pick up the demo from the band for a mere $5 from their site, where you can also grab a sample of Track#3: Deadbeat At Dawn.

I'll let ya know that the first track is the best track. It is fucking phenomenal. That's all I'll say.
Fuck you Doomcifer, this was one of my recommendations :cry:

On a side note, this band fucking rules. I love the tripped out bass with the vocals. The name of the band really sounds like their music.

Deadbeat at Dawn is my favorite :kickass:
Yeah, it took me a few listens too, specially the way they go about making the spooky, dark, atmosphere. Also, at first I thought he needed to be a better singer, but upon further listening, his vocals fit perfectly with their sound. Just fucking gloomy and emotive.
Given Meia Noite a few listens now, and really can't get into it. Typically I am am a fan of Trad-Doom, but this just isn't doing it for me.
It didn't come across as being that dark, more like traditional doom with a less than traditional phased into oblivion guitar tone (by far the best thing about the song despite the limitations of production). The vocals didn't seem at odds with the music at all...good recommendation and I hope they record a full length.
It's close, but no cigar. It needs just a little something 'extra', perhaps more organs/synths like those that come in at the 2:58 mark. That adds to both the depth of the song and the atmosphere. The last part of the song (or at least the vocal melody lines) is good, and reminds me a little of Danzig.

I listened to it twice in a row, and I must admit, I liked it more the second time around....not bad but I'd like a few more twists and turns. I'd be keen to hear what they come up with next.