RECOMMENDATION: Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites (2007)

Holy fuck! Seeing these guys in 6 days! :kickass: :kickass:

EDIT: In other words, if you haven't checked this out... it's a fucking must!
I don't really see what all the praise is about here. This is just plain boring, lost somewhere between heaviness and aggression, while failing at both. And that raspy mumbling of the vocalist doesn't help much either.
I don't really see what all the praise is about here. This is just plain boring, lost somewhere between heaviness and aggression, while failing at both. And that raspy mumbling of the vocalist doesn't help much either.

I thought the same the first time around, but I'd be willing to listen to them again if anyone wants to up a track or two.
I don't really see what all the praise is about here. This is just plain boring, lost somewhere between heaviness and aggression, while failing at both. And that raspy mumbling of the vocalist doesn't help much either.

To me it's a slab of dirty, grimy, ritualistic, and evil atmosphere, and the vocals and guitars come through exactly how they wanted. They are slow, melodic, and just all around dark. The album makes you feel like you are in a occult church and this is the theme to the church.
This album is GRRRRRRREAT!
The atmosphere the band manages to produce, with the truly sinister and occult feel, reminds me of the death metal of old that I love... not for those into this polished click-click modern garbage.

Raelin said:
Sv. said:
But when is the second full length coming ? Any updates mr Raelin ?

Well, we will record "Doom of the Occult" between October and December. Five Songs are arranged so far. We hope we can release the Album in Spring 2010! Also we will play only two more shows this year, "Death... The Brutal Way" with Asphyx and Desaster in Essen/Germany and at the "Hole in the Sky" in Bergen/Norway.