Recommendation: ROOT

Wow, I can't believe I haven't heard these guys before... I've listened to one song so far, and I'm kinda divided on it. I sense this is the kind of band you need to spend some time with, though, and I think I will!
Wow, I can't believe I haven't heard these guys before... I've listened to one song so far, and I'm kinda divided on it. I sense this is the kind of band you need to spend some time with, though, and I think I will!

That's the PERFECT reaction to Root right there. It will make you stop in your tracks and think "wow, what's going on here?". And it only gets better from there. The more you listen, the more you get sucked into their own personal black hole of deviant, dark metal. So hard to categorize, yet can attract people from all ends of the heavy listening spectrum.

Thumbs way, way up Ali. You know I already loved "Black Seal", and now I can safely say that I need to go out and pretty much purchase the entire catalogue. There is so much to discover here.

As always, thank you.

I don't need the ysis for this, because I know Root, and know that they are winners.

My wussy sensibilities were only able to handle it as far back as "Kärgeräs" though (good god, the soaring chorus in the title-track has to be the best piece of recorded music ever). "The Book" is the other champ in their discography. My 3rd-favorite "Root" album is actually Cales - "The Pass in Time". Do you guys know that one? It's from the (ex-?) guitarist of Root, and his playing style is so identifiable that it sounds exactly like a Root album, except probably a bit more folky.

My wussy sensibilities were only able to handle it as far back as "Kärgeräs" though (good god, the soaring chorus in the title-track has to be the best piece of recorded music ever).

Awesome. That motivates me to listen to the album then. I've got it but I decided to defer until I've gone through their other stuff, simply because it sounds like they went off on a tangent. I heard the first couple of tracks and it was very....grunge-like?

"The Book" is the other champ in their discography. My 3rd-favorite "Root" album is actually Cales - "The Pass in Time". Do you guys know that one? It's from the (ex-?) guitarist of Root, and his playing style is so identifiable that it sounds exactly like a Root album, except probably a bit more folky.

Once I discovered Root, I became an overnight fanboy and searched out this Cales you speak of. It's interesting, starts strong, but it loses my attention a long the way. It also seems inconsistent -- were the songs recorded at different times? It reminds me of Skyclad / "Elegy" era Amorphis.
I heard the first couple of tracks and it was very....grunge-like?

Ha ha, I guess I can hear that. Definitely in the first half of the title track (#3). You must have switched it off seconds before the awesomeness starts! *listening now* Ah, yeah, it's total pop, so perfect! Like something Dan Swano would do.

It's interesting, starts strong, but it loses my attention a long the way. It also seems inconsistent

Hmm, I probably don't disagree with the inconsistent thing, which I'd actually apply to Root as well.

But I've got this theoretical project I'm working on, called "The Great Songs", where I'll do some kind of regular detailed write-up on a single song (sorta like these Reco threads). Cales - "The Last Winter Dance" is one of the songs I have on my list. And that's track #8. So if you ever pull that album out again, at least give a listen to that track.

It's not the sound of Swano or anything, just the same "fuck it, I'm going to mix my gay pop shit with metal, and you're gonna LIKE it!" attitude. And in the ending of "Kärgeräs", it's actually the guitar solo that made me think that, even more than the off-the-hook vocal.

Actually, now that Neil mentions it, I *do* notice the Dan Swano vibe in Kargeras, in the sense that this is a traditional heavy metal band playing something that's reasonably accessible, but still not a "pop sell out I just need to fill a label quota" kinda know, kinda like Nightingale.

That actually helps me appreciate the album a little more, now that I think of Dan Swano! :tickled:

I'll also check out track 8 on the Cales album....
I sent him tracks from The Book a while back & he didn't like those either. I give up on life.

Also, Big Boss rules in a truly unruly way :kickass: