Recommendation Thread

Light Concert

Senor Velasco
Jun 30, 2005
My idea was that this thread could be used to recommend bands or ask for reccommendations.... (it could work well)(assuming everyone here knows the great band Theocracy! :hotjump: We wont need to recommend them....

Ill Start, i am looking for recommendations for Prog/power/epic metal (or rock) which has great christian lyrics like Theocracy, bear in mind i can tolerate death metal vocals but much prefer clean vocals

thanks in advance :rock:
Matt Smith said:
I am the ultimate Neal Morse fanboy. And that's one of my favorite songs.

Awesome we can make a club with leather jackets :grin:

Just in case you didn't know, Neal Morses "Secret Prog Project" (due later this year) will include....

1.Neal Morse
2.Roine Stolt (flower kings)
3.Mark Lenniger (Local sax player and percussionist)
4.Steve Hackett (Genesis)
5.Alan Morse (Spocks Beard)
6.Randy George (Ajalon, morses previous solo works)
7.Mike Portnoy (DT....)
8.Jordan Rudess (Dt...)

Its frankly an astounding line-up :worship:
Light Concert said:
Ill Start, i am looking for recommendations for Prog/power/epic metal (or rock) which has great christian lyrics like Theocracy, bear in mind i can tolerate death metal vocals but much prefer clean vocals

thanks in advance :rock:

Okay, I don't know which of them you already know, but these are some bands I would recommend:
Revelation Project (Progressive Rock/Metal)
Pursuit (Progressive Rock/Metal)
Seventh Avenue (Powermetal)
Rob Rock (Powermetal)
Harmony (Melodic Metal)
Divinefire (Heavy Powermetal with symphonic influences)

Then there's a band called Wingdom which at least has christian band members AFAIK. I don't know the lyrics yet though. Wingdom also features Mikko Härkin (former keyboarder of Sonata Arctica) and Alessandro Lotta (former bassist of Rhapsody). Check

And of course I have to recommend one of my favorite projects of the last years. It doesn't have christian lyrics, but neither offensive lyrics.
Any fan of progressive Rock/Metal should give Ayreon - The Human Equation a listen (at least those who haven't yet :) )
all of those rule.

less metal, but also rock:
Audio Adrenaline
Extol (death metal)
Sirenia (prog/death)
Tourniquet (thrashy)
Arena & Threshold (not openly christian, but with christian members and themes)
Staple (metal)
Orphaned Land - Mabool (prog/death from israel, excellent disc as a retelling of Noah for modern times)
Kaipa (Roine Stolt is all over this, very Flower Kings-ish)
Crimson Moonlight (black metal, one of the few christian BM bands)
I actually just recently picked up Divinefire's album based on recommendations from people and it's pretty good. Has several killer songs on it with catchy choruses like "Never Surrender". Worth a look - nothing incredibly new...but if you're into power metal.
Light Concert said:
Awesome we can make a club with leather jackets :grin:

Just in case you didn't know, Neal Morses "Secret Prog Project" (due later this year) will include....

1.Neal Morse
2.Roine Stolt (flower kings)
3.Mark Lenniger (Local sax player and percussionist)
4.Steve Hackett (Genesis)
5.Alan Morse (Spocks Beard)
6.Randy George (Ajalon, morses previous solo works)
7.Mike Portnoy (DT....)
8.Jordan Rudess (Dt...)

Its frankly an astounding line-up :worship:

(Keanu Reeves voice) Whoa. (/Keanu Reeves voice)

How did you find that out? I thought they were keeping it all under wraps?
Matt Smith said:
(Keanu Reeves voice) Whoa. (/Keanu Reeves voice)

How did you find that out? I thought they were keeping it all under wraps?

It still quite hush hush,

But on Neals Message Board they confirmed those are the special guests (we had to figure it out as they gave us clues :grin: )
Silent Song said:
all of those rule.
Crimson Moonlight (black metal, one of the few christian BM bands)

That's wrong, there are many Christian BM bands.
Antestor, Horde, Frosthardr, Vaakevandring, Slechtvalk, Parakletos, Drottnar, Sanctifica, Crimson Moonlight, Frost Like Ashes, Vardøger, Kekal, Bleakwail, Exaudi - just to name a few.
by few i meant compared with the rest of the genre. not few bands... just because there aren't as many christian BM bands as there are rock, etc... doesn't mean that they all don't rule just as much

edit: and i have cds from all those bands you listed too :)
GASP...Whew that was a close band has a song "Winds Of Redemption".
I was thinking such thing as an original idea anymore. that was close though
There's a new christian classic/power metal band from Sweden called Majestic Vanguard. They put samples online recently and will release their debut this year.
The samples sound pretty good - check them out at
Snert said:
Any fan of progressive Rock/Metal should give Ayreon - The Human Equation a listen (at least those who haven't yet :) )

Boy, I sure am getting a lot of good recommendations from this message board! My list of "bands to check out" grows so fast that I can never listen to them all.

Anyway, I just had an interesting intersection between two recommendations. I had put Ayreon on my list some months ago (not sure if it was due to something someone said here or if I got it elsewhere). I also had put Neal Morse on my list due to Matt's comments awhile back. Well, I finally got Ayreon's The Dream Sequencer recently. After 3-4 listens, there is one song that really sticks in my head as excellent: The First Man on Earth. I checked the liner notes and the vocals are Neal Morse on that one! Giddyup.
yup...Arjen Anthony Lucassen's music is awesome, including the Star One spin off. I really like the analogue synth sounds he uses in his songs.....has that retro/quasi-futuristic effect.
As for christian progressive rock there is a new CD coming out on Rivel Records in October I think. It's another project with Christian Rivel on vocals and Carl Johann Grimmark on guitar.
The band is called Flagship and is pretty different to the other Rivel projects (Narnia, Audiovision, Divinefire, Wisdom Call...) and is rather mellow.
Here are samples of their debut Maiden Voyage - I think they sound really interesting: