Recommendation: Urfaust - Geist ist Teufel


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory

Urfaust - Geist ist Teufel
2004 - GoatowaRex

Bit of an all-star band here, featuring members of Fluisterwoud, Dimensional Psychosis, Grimm, Gauhaert, and a bunch of others you haven't heard of either. Musically, it sounds like what would happen if Fenriz' Isengard project got a bit too drunk while listening to classical music and Burzum/Aske. The songs are littered with extremely haunting folk melodies and black metal howls, as well as drunken, off key clean singing. There's also a lot of ambient and classical aspects to the releases, but I've only uploaded black metal tracks this time around. I can upload the others if anyone's interested of course.

1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
6. VI
this is the best recommendation yet

you don't happen to have anything off the 2nd album that you can post? i might order both of them if they're both cool
Steradent, could you please upload a track featuring some of this demented clear singing? I think it's what turned me off when I first checked the band last year or so, and I'd like to hear that again.
If you dig this stuff, also check out Grimm and Gauhaert. Grimm have more of the obscene folkish stuff, and Gauhaert have pagan overtones. Both carry the drunkeness and ambience along for the ride.
Still about two-thirds through the first track uploaded. The music reminds me of a really scratchy rehearsal recording of part of 'False Dawn' by Drudkh somewhat, except it doesn't really change at all... and these vocals are horrible... dunno, unless something pretty spectacular happens in the next few tracks, I think I'm gonna be ignoring these guys from now on.

Okay, I like the opening to Drudenfus - right up until the vocalist comes in. And it seems like the rest of the track is going to sound pretty much like the opening. Ooh, hang on, solo... and the vocalist has shut up. This part of the track ftw. Gone back to the opening riff now - shit, there's four more minutes of this? Oh, wait, different riff at 3:26... nope, can't listen to it anymore by 3:57 because that vocalist has started howling again.

I'll give the other two tracks a try some other time...