Recommendation: VETTER - Vetterkult


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
A 2012 album of dissonant, dense & distant progressive black metal with occasional BLACK SABBATH moments and infusions of real Norwegian folk music (not whatever the fuck German metal fans think is "folk" these days). Vocals are used very sparingly.

I was in contact with this band (actually, it's just one guy) a few years ago and traded some stuff. At the time he'd just made a really good demo which literally no one cared about, then or since, which is a shame. It had a song called "Stemmer I Natten" that was A+, absolutely in the same league as all the best stuff Norway produced in the past. Unfortunately "Stemmer I Natten" is not on YouTube but I might get around to uploading it later.
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i really think this deserves a listen

it's some of the least immediate music i've come across recently but it's actually well worth trying
Listened to the first song (will check out the rest later), outstanding. I was expecting the sparse vox to be of a harsh grim nature, was pleasantly caught off guard by the opposite.
This is definitely something for a specific mood, but it's pretty damned cool. Thanks for this recommendation, I'm filing this under things to get.
not feeling any of these recos Erik ... they all sound very dated ...
sorry broheim ...