Recommendation: Waylander - Reawakening Pride Once Lost

General Zod said:
I finally got around to listening to these samples. Not for me. There's just nothing going on that draws me in. Thanks for the reco none the less (nice write up).

Sure - this definitely wasn't one I would've had you pegged for liking anyway (based primarily on the vocals), but hey, never any harm in giving it a chance. :kickass:
Listening again. Honestly, that tin whistle just isn't hitting the notes it's striving for. It's incredibly annoying in an otherwise pretty cool sounding CD. But I'll never be able to get past it.
thought i should add 2p worth to this

I think that its cool that Jon / Midhir fought to get this album re-released
at one time waylander were the only signed proper metal band in northern ireland but century media buried this, I'm not a big fan of this style but singer Ciaran o'hagan + Martin the whistle layer are good friends of mine
martin left after the second album which has its moments but its not as good as this one, they'd had huge fucking line up problems for many years, but they finally seem to be sorted thanks to hairy O'hagan's persistance and they'll be recording a new album in a few months.
Décadent said:
Does that off-key tin whistle annoy the fuck out of anyone else?

hahah. yes.

Yet still I prevailed throughout because off-key tin whistles or recorders or anything else of the sort has never stopped me before!

Didn't like any of these songs though, but hey I tried.
if anyone's interested. new waylander album out soon

Looks like they jumped in the gay pagan/pseudo folk metal wagon. And yes their debut is awesome, i bought it because of Skyclad comparisons made in the reviews about it, which were correct (thank God).