Recommendation: Witchtrap - Sorceress Bitch


Feb 7, 2003

  1. Dark Lord
  2. Ripping Torment
  3. Dead Of The Night
  4. Sorceress Bitch
  5. Gypsy Ritual/Face The Evil
  6. Black Angel
  7. Total Sacrifice (Violent Force)
  8. Metal War
Witchtrap is an interesting take on Thrash from Colombia in that they borrow Heavy Metal aesthetics and throw those bits of Heavy Metal into the mix with a high-speed oriented riff base akin to bands such as early Whiplash. I might even favor the description of Speed Metal to be more accurate, but because of the vocals, everyone seems to label them as Black/Thrash. The influences, however, are obvious, since the bandmembers also have another band, the Heavy Metal act known as Nightmare. The effect this has on the music some may call dated and hearkening back to the embryonic days of the genre, but this is not the speed-induced punk/metal that made up the very early stages of Thrash. This is a genuine mixture of speedy Thrash and Heavy Metal, most prominently observed in Gypsy Ritual/Face The Evil, with an intro one might expect to find on an 80s Heavy Metal album and continuing into the Speed Metal blending of Heavy Metal and Thrash. Leads are sparse and not always well done or complementary, but at times they are effective. They are not exactly lyrical geniuses, but the music speaks for itself. There is nothing innovative or creatively awarding about this band, as is par for the course within the genre, but fans of Heavy Metal and Thrash Metal should find this band worthy of listening.
This is pretty damn good, especially Gypsy Ritual/Face the Evil. Soceress Bitch was generic and bland, but the other two are tracks that I'd love to hear live in an extremely small venue with an intimate crowd. Headbanging, beer drinking, moshing frenzy.

Nice rec. :kickass: