Recommendation: Yat-Kha - Yenisei-Punk


Oct 13, 2002
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Yat-Kha - Yenisei-Punk


1. Solun Chaagai Sovet Churtum (Beautiful Soviet Country)
2. Karangailyg Kara Hovaa [Dyngyldai] (In The Endless Black Steppe)
3. Kaa-Khem (Name Of A River)
4. Kuu-La Khashtyn Baaryndan (At The Foot Of The Mountain)
5. Kamgalanyr Kuzhu-Daa Bar (We Have Protection Force)
6. Irik Chuduk (Rotten Log)
7. Chashpy-Khem (Name Of A River)
8. Kadarchy (Shepherd Boy)
9. Chok-La Kizhi Yry (Song Of Poor Lonely)
10. Een Kurug Kagban-Na Men (I Didn't Leave My Yurt Empty)
11. Toorugtug Taiga (Cedar Taiga)
12. Kargyram
13. Bonus Track 1
14. Bonus Track 2


I'm horrible when it comes to describing music and I couldn't find any reviews that I agreed with particularly so I'll just add a few interesting notes.

-A yat-kha is a type of Asian zither.
-This band utilizes throat singing of the Tuvan variety.
-They claim to be influenced by such bands as Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Sonic Youth, and The Velvet Underground.
-The first track on this album is a remake of a soviet propaganda song.
-When I was around ten years old a group of Buddhist monks came to perform in the small town I was living in and some of them could do throat singing. When I went to the bathroom at the intermission one of the monks came in. We were the only ones in there and he decided to use the urinal right next to the one I was using instead of one farther away. As we were urinating he kept looking at me and smiling. Creepy.
Thanatopsis123 said:
-When I was around ten years old a group of Buddhist monks came to perform in the small town I was living in and some of them could do throat singing. When I went to the bathroom at the intermission one of the monks came in. We were the only ones in there and he decided to use the urinal right next to the one I was using instead of one farther away. As we were urinating he kept looking at me and smiling. Creepy.

so they're from the former soviet bloc i take it? what the hell language is that...

edit: whoa, really weird in a cool sort of way :headbang:
ha, tbh yeah the word "punk" kept me away at first, but it was nothing like I expected, not that I even know what I expected to hear, kudos to that.
Maybe the intention was to be an embodiment of punk when taken in context of what they've done to the native music? They definitely know punk well, and I really like the Velvet Underground influence, (but would I have noticed it if they had not alluded to it themselves? I doubt it) which even moreso brings to light it being some sort of Orient Ur-punk.
Chromatose said:
Maybe the intention was to be an embodiment of punk when taken in context of what they've done to the native music? They definitely know punk well, and I really like the Velvet Underground influence, (but would I have noticed it if they had not alluded to it themselves? I doubt it) which even moreso brings to light it being some sort of Orient Ur-punk.

yeah, i don't really know. i was just talking out of my ass.
ha! Check out the tracklist of a covers album these guys did:

1. When The Levee Breaks (Led Zeppelin)
2. Man Machine (Kraftwerk)
3. Ramblin’ Man (Hank Williams)
4. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (Iron Butterfly)
5. Love Will Tear Us Apart (Joy Division)
6. Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles (Captain Beefheart)
7. Song About A Giraffe (Vladimir Vysotskiy)
8. Orgasmatron (Motorhead)
9. Will You Go, Lassie, Go? (Mcpeake Family)
10. Toccata (Paul Mauriat)
11. Black Magic Woman (Carlos Santana Version)
12. Exodus (Bob Marley)
13. Play With Fire (Rolling Stones)
14. Song Of Mergen (Alexei Tchyrgal-Ool)