Recommendations for Symphonic Black/Death Metal


Feb 11, 2002
Always been a fan of Dimmu Borgir and to a lesser extend Cradle of Filth but don't do a lot of exploring when it comes to extreme metal. Any one got any recommendations. I like what I've heard from Dark Funeral, Trail of Tears, Orphanage as well if it gives you an idea of my tastes.

Appreciate any/all feedback.
I'm not a black metal guy by an stretch, but even I dig Immortal! Start out with this won me over.


In addition to the bands already listed, check out Septic Flesh and Eternal Tears of Sorrow:


Also, Theogonia by Rotting Christ might be worth looking into:

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My favorite black metal band: Satyricon. Deceptive picture though as the album this is off of is Nemesis Divina.

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For SYMPHONIC bm, I second the SepticFlesh recommendation and would add Anorexia Nervosa (2nd through 4th albums) and Carach Angren (sort of a black metal version of King Diamond. Their lyrics are about hauntings, ghosts, etc.), as well as Cthonic (their most recent album is excellent).
All of these are somewhat close to what the original post was looking for, I think.







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Since the OP specifically mentioned "symphonic" death/black, I'll add Old Man's Child and Abigail Williams to the mix.

--Not my favorite A.W. song, but it was the best I noticed on YouTube. (The bandname is from the Salem witch trials.)
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Just found this band through spotify from the MaYan page but Skyfire is impressing me right now.