Wow. You mentioned Bach without mentioning the six partitas or seven toccatas. If you or anyone else hasn't heard these, they are extremely good.
Yes, I have a few recordings of those as well. Glenn Gould's recording of the toccatas is the best of the ones I have heard, but I remember reading in the booklet for the CD that Gould himself apparently doesn't think as highly of these as Well-Tempered Clavier, Goldberg Variations, French Suites, English Suites etc.
metal_wrath said:I have only heard a few recordings of Mozart's Requiem, but I especially like the Karl Bohm recording, if you haven't heard this recording I would recommend it, it is very grandiose but sombre, the orchestration is slow and the sound is amazing. I have found this online as a DVD with the performance by Karl Bohm and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. I am definitely going to buy this,
I haven't heard Karl Böhm's recording of the Requiem. I will check it out.
NFU said:Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G is nothing short of exquisite and utterly enjoyable.
It is my favorite of the Brandenburg Concertos