so i'm in the process of searching for music


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Apr 11, 2002
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for our wedding- which is not for over a year (haven't asked her yet), but i figured this was something i could do now. at the church we're planning to do this, there's a really good pianist and two women (mother and daughter) who play violin and cello, so that's who i was planning to ask to play (not sure they'd do it yet tho). i figured that'd be an interesting ensemble and not too many people- don't want a full quartet or more, it just seems like overkill.

anyway, i've been getting stuff from the library & searching for interesting pieces- picked out some piano solo stuff, like things i used to play- but i'm having trouble coming up with stuff written for piano trio (piano/violin/cello) that would be suitable. found a short mvmt by ned rorem that's cool, and some arrangements of other stuff that's nice, but not a whole lot else.

any suggestionz? i don't dig baroque stuff- looking for more reflective/impressionistic yet non-depressing stuff, like debussy/ravel or 20th century lesser known composers.
also, my gf likes the pachelbel canon in d: how can i dissuade her insistence on having it played?
2 months away and I still haven't gone over this with our musician. I'm hoping she has ideas. I know I sure don't.

the person playing my wedding: Bon Singer - balkan singer & cantor w/some renfaire looking dude who plays like 30,000 eastern intruments.