Recording 2x12

i doubt it is the "best" option; i mean i bet you could get great results wit a 2X12 recto for instance or others but it is a great cab.

I have the 2X12 roadster but to be honest i havent really compared it yet to my other cabs to tell you the difference exactly but it does sound great. IOW i am sure you will be happy if you get it
I borrowed a Orange PPC212CB from a friend and it sounds GREAT. Maybe a little boomy and a little overwhelming with the bass but it sounds great, definitely a lot better than the vertical Mesa 2x12 we have the place I work on. Don't know how this vertical Mesa compares to the other Mesa 2x12, tho'.
I borrowed a Orange PPC212CB from a friend and it sounds GREAT. Maybe a little boomy and a little overwhelming with the bass but it sounds great, definitely a lot better than the vertical Mesa 2x12 we have the place I work on. Don't know how this vertical Mesa compares to the other Mesa 2x12, tho'.

I recorded with a Orange cab not long ago. Didn't like it that much. Like my Marshall with greenbacks and the Rectifier much more
I'm really curious to hear the differences (if any) between the Recto and Roadster 2x12's - but if my experience with 4x12's is any indication, bigger is always better! :heh: Also, jval, who used to post on here, got some insane 5150/Recto 2x12 tonez

And Ivan, is the Mesa 2x12 you have in your studio one of the older ones with the metal grille and front mounted speakers? If so, that is NOT a fair comparison haha (those cabs usually had Black Shadows instead of V30's, and were open on the top half)
I'm really curious to hear the differences (if any) between the Recto and Roadster 2x12's - but if my experience with 4x12's is any indication, bigger is always better! :heh: Also, jval, who used to post on here, got some insane 5150/Recto 2x12 tonez

And Ivan, is the Mesa 2x12 you have in your studio one of the older ones with the metal grille and front mounted speakers? If so, that is NOT a fair comparison haha (those cabs usually had Black Shadows instead of V30's, and were open on the top half)

Marcus, nope, grille cloth and V30s. It is just A LOT lighter than the Orange I borrowed and the low end is much smaller. It is this one:


I still have to record with the Orange cab (I will do this this week) but so far I loved it, way better than my almost-home-built 4x12 with V30s and G12t75s. Btw, also borrowed a Rockerverb, that thing is SICK for rock tones.
not so nice sounding. My boss, a lawyer, read some books and built the room. A lot of external leakage and muddy frequencies happening. Have to scoop a good deal of low mids on most things to make it sound OK.
^ Nothing sucks more than that.

I plan to record the 2x12 in a large, great sounding room. That's why I'm less worried about the higher resonances/low-mid mud that come inherent with most 2x12s. With the right decoupling and positioning it can probably be made to sound quite large in there.

Funny how there's never a consensus on these things. In any case, I'll see which Mesa I can get without sacrificing an arm and a leg for it here. It will cost at the very least $1k, so gotta make sure it's good first.
Why did you sell it?

Never sat right in a mix. The high mids were in a really awkward area and id just end up processing the living hell out of it to just settle for it....which I didn't end up doing. Used my Marshall 4x12 and it just sounded that much more "filling"...the 2x12 had a very narrow sound to it. It's hard to explain but I was pretty dissapointed :(
Have a look at Ermz. They have a few different 2x12 models including oversized ones and they also offer custom sized cabs. Regardless of which you choose you can specify the design and the speakers yourself. Also you can add the option of a three piece back panel configuration so you can change them from being a closed back cab to an open back cab pretty easily.