Recording a band, need some help


¯\(°_o)/¯ - How do?
Dec 3, 2007
Petoskey, Michigan
Theyre recording guitars in Drop G.

I am doing a DI so it can be reamped later but the signal thru my 5150 for bs distortion monitoring for tracking, it sounds awful.. I was wondering if anyone would be up for reamping a small di track to see if it translates just as bad

Also, Alan, if you read this call me
its just the guy playing its fault hes using 12-56 in drop g witch is what most people on here are using for c not to mention he doesn't pick hard enough to get any tone
I have a 7 string dropped down to G. But the 7th string is a 70 gauge. I use 10-52 for Drop C and tuning them down to B is borderline too much. So I can't even comprehend getting any sound out of a 56 dropped to G. Flub flub flub.

Tell him to stop trying to be soo "brootal" and either tune up or get a guitar and strings that can handle the tuning.

If you can't get it sounding good through your 5150, or at least close to good, I don't think there's any hope. My 7 sounds good through a PodXT, HD147, and Triple XXX and I know a guy that tuned his 6 down to drop G with proper strings and played through a 5150 and it sounded pretty good, even if he had the gain up too high.
Yeah, we tracked everything like that, hopefully when we re-amp it it will sound decent, they are pretty good so it wouldn't take much time to re-track everything if need be.