I've bought a Countryman 58, and at first i got surprised, i thought it would "convert" to a none clipped signal, so it wouldn't clip my audio interface, but it does indeed clip, just as if i put the guitar into the instrumentinput (M-audio D-mp3 preamp). Pushing the hi/lo gain range button tho, the signal is under control. I might hear a subtle difference, like some more highs in the guitar tone..
Question is.........Do i need a better audio interface to get better tone?
I mean the dmp3's preamp gain is like say 65% turned up in volume so it must color the sound, i suppose.
Is there any tests somewhere here on the forum maybe for this kind of stuff, di into cheap preamp/audio interface, same di guitarsetup etc into more expensive?
Question is.........Do i need a better audio interface to get better tone?
I mean the dmp3's preamp gain is like say 65% turned up in volume so it must color the sound, i suppose.
Is there any tests somewhere here on the forum maybe for this kind of stuff, di into cheap preamp/audio interface, same di guitarsetup etc into more expensive?