DI box. Does it make a difference?


Jun 16, 2011
Currently I'm using an Audio Kontrol 1 interface which says it has the 1mohm hi-z input for instruments. Just curious if running my guitar through a pod pro unprocessed output then into my interface would make a difference because the signal would be digital coming from the pod... I think. Am I wrong? Does anyone think tome is affected by a di box or would anything hi z suffice.
A HUGE can of worms can potentially be opened by this otherwise simple question. I will refrain from inputting my opinion, but one bit of science for you is that when you plug your guitar with passive pickup (500k assumed) into something with an input impedance of 1Megohm, the guitar signal is loaded by 33.4%. If you were to plug the same guitar into something which has a 10Megohm impedance, the guitar would only be loaded by 4.8%.

Take a guitar which uses an active pickup (25k assumed) and plug it into something with a 1Megohm input z, it will only be loaded 2.4%, so you have much less of a problem if you use active pickups.
good thing im running EMGs. ill attempt both. i think ill post a clip with both for comparison.