Recording a song with one guitar track


Sep 11, 2009
a band i recorded only did one guitar track they just wanted a trashy demo of there song but i was wondering if i only have one guitar track or a guitar track that is to hard for the person to double what should i do? leave it centered? use a delay and stereo it? any suggestions? thanks
yeah i did that before and it sounded awfull. do you think itd beat keeping it centred?
yeah i geuss im just wondering for future reference cause another time they dubled the guitar but they were both so out of sync it sounded worse
Double is the first and only legitimate option (Bar quad.) If they can't double the same thing once, there's something wrong.

But, to save a trashy demo, I'd delay one side 34 milliseconds. Not ideal of course, but I'd rather listen to it that way than centered. Could get funky and eq the two sides a little bit different or use different amp/cab settings if you're using sims or impulses.

I would hope that they'd realize they need to put some work in before they record something above trashy demo quality and at least be able to double their parts.
It's possible to get awesome single guitar tone, it worked for Van Halen, it can work for you. Just make sure David Lee Roth doesn't steal all your drugs and midgets.
Depending on the music, I've just pan it like 60%ish and leave it as a single track. Dream Theater's 'Live Scenes From NY' is a good example of this, although they often have keyboards on the opposite side to balance it out, it still sounds alright when there are no keys.

On this... how do live albums get stereo guitars, with only one player. Dream Theater and Nightwish come to mind.. they're not great tones by any means but they're stereo without any weird artifacts.
Or duplicate the track and put 10-20 ms latency on one of them. I never had really good results with this technique but it could be better than just a single track (maybe).
You can use Voxengo Stereo Touch. Or you can reamp the DI through a different amp or ampsim and hardpan.

Just make it really shitty. Ask them to practise with a metronome for next time so that they are really tight with their instruments. Make sure there is as little latency as possible with whatever you are using for recording. If you are using amp sims/impulses then you should be fine. If they cant even double track take the money and run :p:kickass:
If they are incapable of doing two clean takes then maybe you have to take the advise found in the heated topic on chopping up guitar down to individual passages or even notes and have then record it in tiny bits till they can get at least two takes down that can be edited all together. Just a thought if they really are that incapable.
alright thanks for the advice yeah i was just curious if there was any way besides delay to do it cause it didnt sound great but your right if they cant play it right then its not gunna be great thanks for the tips
I don't think so. IIRC someone posted that Petrucci uses two heads for his rig in a stereo setup and delays the signal to the other head by around 30ms and mics both cabinets and pans 'em.

Yup, even with two totally different tones on each side, delaying one of 'em slightly is the only way your really gonna get any perception of real separation between the two
I did a few live recordings a few months back, one of them was a 1 guitar band. I panned him a little to 1 side. I found parallell comp did a good job of thickening it up a bit.
The old school ADT style trick works well in this type of scenario. Copy the track to another channel, pan them hard L and R, delay one and change the pitch by about 7-15 cent. Playing around with the delay amount and cents of pitch will get you where you want to be. Gotta be careful though as its very easy to get a really phasey mess with this technique.

I find with recordings like this it's makes it even more important to get a really big drum and bass sound, the single guitar track will slot in alot nicer if you've got a really big sounding foundation already.
either keep the whole thing mono as fuck since they wont record a second track or just pan the one track a little out of center, they'll never notice the difference no matter what you do if they want a crap product and are happy with it.
gavin your such a bullshitter haha
that wasnt "a band you recorded"

that was me and you in your basement

and its not doubled cause its a solo track
its rare to have a solo track stereo . . . .

i made something for you bro, here
