recording bass with reduced volume?


Muzak by request
Sep 15, 2007
Sirious B
so i turned the volume on my bass almost half way down for tuning.....
forgot that and recorded happily for 2 hours :ill:
just to find the dynamics more controlled.
compared to full volume sound there's no significant loss.

really thinking about making this a method for future recordings......

anybody tried something like this?
That's weird. I of course to that all the time with guitars, turning the volume down for a cleaner/crunchy sound but I have never heard of something like that. Could you maybe post some clips?
just the track on its own probably wouldn't say very much, as it would be hard to judge how much comes from (controlled) playing and how much from reducing volume, but i'll see if i can record a part on full volume and post the di's .
(without unconsciously amplifying the effect, hr hr)


it's still very hard to say what comes from playing and what not. i may have fooled myself because the bass sounds more defined with the volume reduced.
^ yeah, tried this too, but how hard i pick is always connected to the song, as i think you can can't cheat with what the expression of a piece needs.
(BTW, as i wasn't aware of the volume turned down, i played just like i'm used to play)

i still think there's a more controlled dynamic response with reduced volume, but since it's hard to prove and every bass is reacting different anyway, i can only recommend to try it.
Active. And I agree, this surely makes a big difference compared to passive basses.
Should have mentioned this.
I've been told on here that it doesn't matter by a couple of well-known members and now you say it will significantly change the tone?

I didn't listen to the clips cause I'm on a laptop right now but if you can't notice the difference...