Recording DI Guitars with Focusrite 8i6?

just get a DI box with a pad, job done.. essential tool for your studio arsenal anyway... do it! ;)

@miann : i own one of them orchid classic DI`s.. i always thought it sounded pretty good
What do you guys think of the Samson S-Direct in this case? I'm kinda on a tight budget.
Maybe I should rephrase my post above.

I'm kinda on a really tight budget seeing as I'm still a student, I'm focusing all my funds on my tuition fees before having the financial freedom of investing some on professional gear. I ran to a couple of stores here checking out DI's such as the BSS, Radial and Countryman but they cost 300-350 first hand, 200-250 secondhand. Pretty much burning holes in my pockets.

The thing is I've always thought that there's 'a best' in every price range when it comes to equipment. So, I'm hoping to find that 'best' within my price range of 100-150 to kick start my projects straightaway. After all, I've spent a mighty on the Focusrite, some KRK's as well as a new laptop.

I'm hoping to find out experiences you may have on the particular equipment I'm getting, the Samson S-Direct. It retails for about $90 here in Singapore.

Apologies if the post seemed draggy and long, I just wanted to be clear with my intentions.

Many thanks in advance!