Recording drums in a church sanctuary


Junior Cheeseburger
Jul 19, 2010
EDIT: I realize I've made a terrible mistake by not putting this in the rate my mix section. Sorry about that... :erk:

A lot's been going on in my life, and I've been away from recording music for a long time (not by choice), and I wanted to take on a project to experiment and have fun with recording again. A band in my hometown has been trying to "DIY" the piss out of a full length album, and they've insisted on recording everything in a church sanctuary. I put "DIY" in quotes because I think the term is overused to the point of cliche, but that's what all the cool kids are doing :Smug:

Anyway, this is a clip of the drums I've recorded. I've heard tons better drum sounds on this board by far, and I don't mean to say this competes with the heavy hitters, but I wanted to post it to see what people thought. PT 1.mp3

I haven't touched any EQ, I put some compression on it to bring up the volume, and the room mic is brought down a little bit. Otherwise it's just raw tracks.

8 channels of drums
- Audix D6 on the kick
- A Non-Union Mexican Equivalent SM-57 knockoff on the beater
- SM 57 on the snare
- SM 57 in between two high toms
- SM 57 between two low toms
- Two condenser overheads that weren't mine, can't remember the names
- A shitty Radio Shack Omni for the room.

I'd love to hear any comments, suggestions, what you might have done's, etc. It's a new situation for me, trying to record in such a large reverberant place.

Regardless of anything else, I also wanted to thank everyone on here for helping me develop my skills and get better at doing something I love. :notworthy
I'm surprised no one else has said anything yet. I REALLY dig the sound!

Obviously needs some editing to be a tight performance unless you can still retrack, but the sound itself for being raw sounds huge and I can't imagine it turning out bad with the right processing
this is cool. i wanna hear the finished product

out of curiosity, how did you get access to record this in a church?
It happens just the opposite to me. I love to hear live drums.. I mean, I like to hear actual people playing not a fucking robot/program or whatever.

You've done a great job micing the shit out of that kit if there's just compression on the final mix. Concernig the church, I find that this clip would fit into some sludgeish metal band and not into the crabshittycore that the drums reveal. I find interesting that I am able to know how the guitars are going to be by the completely uninspired drum structure and the kick/chugga chugga duo scheme. Maybe I'm terribly wrong but I'm almost sure of it.
Thanks for the feedback!

Obviously needs some editing to be a tight performance unless you can still retrack, but the sound itself for being raw sounds huge and I can't imagine it turning out bad with the right processing

From the very beginning, they were insistent on not using clicks, samples, autotune, or anything that they would consider a "crutch." I wouldn't consider click tracks a crutch, but they wanted everything raw as balls. I'll be editing the piss out of it because of that :lol:

this is cool. i wanna hear the finished product

out of curiosity, how did you get access to record this in a church?

The drummer has a lot of pull at the local methodist church, and although I'm sure the preacher would soon kick everyone out if he figured out what was really being recorded, he managed to convince him to let us use the sanctuary in the off hours. The hard part is that everything needs to be recorded in spurts, because everything needs to get torn down at the end of the night.

Concernig the church, I find that this clip would fit into some sludgeish metal band and not into the crabshittycore that the drums reveal. I find interesting that I am able to know how the guitars are going to be by the completely uninspired drum structure and the kick/chugga chugga duo scheme. Maybe I'm terribly wrong but I'm almost sure of it.

From the riffs I've heard so far and it's all mostly sludge-ish and Jane Doe-ey (Jane Doughey?). Some of the riffs are meatheaded, but there are a couple that surprised me. I'll be sure to post full songs when I get it to a place worth listening to.
Sound like you're off to a pretty good start, very nice and roomy! I would double check the phase on everything, especially the kick. Seems like there should be a lot more low end coming from the d6. Few parts the drummer should probably re-record.

Anyways, I'm going to go program some drums for a B.B. King cover I'm working on... is there anything Snare 10AZ1 won't do?