Recording Drums To Guitar

There was already a thread called this but it didn't answer any real questions.

Has anybody done this?

Obviously the guitar would already be edited to the click so it would be perfectly in time. The only thing that worries me is things like grooves and stuff that can be perfect to a click but still have different feels. Im planning on recording the ghost track with an amp sim then edit the guitar, record drums edit drums and then rerecord guitars with my amp after to have the feel and groove on the drummer leading and guitar being played to the drums.

In theory i cant see how it couldn't work, so yeah anybody tried anything like this or has any advice? thanks :)
How utterly irrelevant ahj.
It's pretty common to use a temp guitar track with the click to record the drums and then rerecord the guitars afterwards. Most drummers I know prefer this to a straight click and it's easier than having a guitarist play with the drummer in most cases.
Yeah that should work. You could avoid needing to do edits on the original scratch guitar track if you just played it to a click to start with. Here is what I do when making my own songs:

1. Write and record rough version of song to a click track.
2. Get some one smarter than me to program or play drums.
3. Rerecord the guitars along with the drum beat. (keeping the click on with the drums can help too.)
It most definatley can be done. Im finishing a cd at the moment where that process was done.

Basically the dude was gonna program drums so we booked days to record guitars. Then decided "ah hell I want real drums" just for the playing articulations and fills and of course cymbal sounds. So I made sure all guitars were tracked 100% tight and edited as if they were the final product and then we recorded drums. The drummer still had a click though but if your drummer sucks to a click atleast you have perfect guitars which dont swing out of time. and you can still look at the grid whilst recording to know whether he is out or not.
Thanks guys! answered all my questions :P this is how im gonna record drums from now on.

@midget donkeys i was only going to edit the guitars in places that need to be really to the click my drum can plan fine to the click i just noticed when i was editing a track he was a bit off from the click but so was i (playing guitar) he was perfectly in time with me he was following me not the click and i was trying to follow him hahaha

thanks everybody!