recording guitar in cellar / Sound proofment


Sep 1, 2004
Erfurt, Germany

assuming, I want to record guitar in professional quality, in a room that is far from good. A cellar, with barrel-vault. Bare stone and concrete walls and vault and tiles an the floor.

The advantage could be is that I plan (mybe we decide to use something different) to use the sansamp plus trans power amp. So there is no need for making it loud.

My idee was to put the 4x12" cabinet in this cellar room on plywood board and build something absorbent around to remove room reflections etc.

Any tips for this are welcome.

You may ask why. Or say, go into a studio or something like this.
The problem is that I have to leave my studio rooms. My landlord needs this rooms. So I have no studio anymore and - if no wonder happens - no studio until we want to record our new CD. So I have all equipment but not the room. And if such a provisional solution works that would be nice.

Andy recorded Testament in their rehearsel room...:rock:
