Recording guitar with a Boss GT8


Jun 13, 2007
I've got access to a friends one of these and want to see what results I can get from it. Anyone here use one to record before? Which out did you use?
I think its got a SPDIF that I can use but I want to try some other things with it too.
I'm going to try recording the mono out and putting impulses on it. This should work fine as I can see. Also I'm going to see what the headphone out signal sounds like.
Any other ways I can use it? I just want to compare a few methods to see what the results are like. If I can record with good results I'll probably pick one up as I need something like this for live use anyway.
I've got access to a friends one of these and want to see what results I can get from it. Anyone here use one to record before? Which out did you use?
I think its got a SPDIF that I can use but I want to try some other things with it too.
I'm going to try recording the mono out and putting impulses on it. This should work fine as I can see. Also I'm going to see what the headphone out signal sounds like.
Any other ways I can use it? I just want to compare a few methods to see what the results are like. If I can record with good results I'll probably pick one up as I need something like this for live use anyway.

Used a GT8 with impulses on the project I'm doing now. Sounds great!
Have you any samples of what you got with it? I'll be trying some stuff out later on today.
I would also be very interested to hear what you get out of the GT8 as I have a GT6. All i ever hear is "POD this" & "POD that"!
Don't think many people are using Boss GTs....:err:
I use a GT-PRO and desperately need to set up some patches for recording via SPDIF, all my patches at the mo are created with FX return of my TSL in mind and sound a bit pap with the speaker sim on etc. Tried disabling and using impulses to no avail alas, could've just been me being 'tarded though. Gotta catch up on rent and then I can actually mic up *hoorah!*
I know in my ancient GT-3 the speaker sim is only in effect when you have it set up for output into a mixer, and if you set it up for an guitar stack or combo amp then it doesnt use the speaker sim, in other words there is no on or off option it just assigns it depending on where your signal is going. I believe you select your roiuting in the "Global" or "Master" options. Ive gotten decent results with it during recording ( before I even knew what an impulse was mind you ), The songs deciever and parasite on my last band amentia's myspace are primarily the 5150 emulations from the pedal, there is some of my boogie in there too, but not much. ........ hope that helps
Can't really say what the guitars sound like, all I can hear is *kick kick kick kick*
Rough mix so far?

Thanks for pointing that out. For some reason these guitars were quieter in this song compared to another with all the exact same settings. Guess it made me reluctant to change them.
Well I gave it a go. I'll have to tweak the settings a bit more to get a really nice tone but it sounds promising. Clean and distortion with impulses sounded good enough. I recorded over backing tracks and with a metronome but I had pretty bad latency issues.
Anyone know whats up here? I only applied the impulse after the track was recorded and I wasn't monitoring the guitar track when recording. I had no plug-ins running at all when recording. I was using Reaper for it. Is there some setting I have to change? I'm new enough to Reaper and am still only getting to grips with it.