Recording Guitars - What volumes?

Jan 27, 2005
Neil, when you record guitars - and by that I'm referring to your generic 'metal set-up' of a high gain amp into a 4x12 speaker cabinet - what kind of volumes are you typically aiming for? Do you have the amp cranked moderately loud or extremely loud?
By loud, I'm assuming you mean the overall output level, as opposed to preamp gain right? I like to have the speakers pumping, but not enough to start rattling the back of the cabinet, or making the speakers fold up etc. Enough to make a serious racket, but not enough to add farting noises etc. Detuning can add low end stress to a speaker cab, as most 4x12s weren't originally expected to have to push that amount of low end out, so if you're detuning (by that I mean down to C or lower) you might want to make sure there no serious rattling/rumbling caused by the extended low end. If I hear that I'll back the output gain down enough to clear it up, or maybe try adding another cab into the setup to accommodate the load.

And of course the amount of preamp gain will vary as well, but I don't think that's what you're asking so I'll stop here.

Neil K.
I think it can help share the load. Of course you can always just turn the single 4x12 down until it stops farting, but that might feel as if some excitement is leaving the process. If you have an extra cab, try adding that (but still micing your choice cab) and see if it helps.

Neil K.
How loud are you guys talking about? Louder than you'd play when rehearsing with a full drummer, bass, and second guitar? That's where I'm recording at; My cab doesn't start farting till way past that, so I'm thinking maybe I should crank it even further.