Recording in January?

But in all seriousness Paul Kuhr is basically confirmed in my eyes. I guess he could be trolling just to piss us off but I don't see how that would serve much purpose.
picture of the new bloodbath vocalist:



i guess it's him. look at the slightly deviated nose to the left. looks the same to me
bears can be trimmed. and that is a old picture of Paul. he is much more skinny now
I was looking as the nose which is definitely a match. His current beard is full but trimmed like the pic.

Post jumped

^See above
Also he posted "Sweden is Beautiful" today and in that same post commented "It's where great vocals are recorded" just recently. Right when Bloodbath announce guitars and drums are finished and it is on to vocals. I mean. Come on.
Also he posted "Sweden is Beautiful" today and in that same post commented "It's where great vocals are recorded" just recently. Right when Bloodbath announce guitars and drums are finished and it is on to vocals. I mean. Come on.

Well I am not a friend with him on facebook so I cannot confirm this but if this is true then I guess I have to agree with you that he is probably the new singer, which by the way would be awesome if it turns out to be true!
He knew people were talking about him potentially being the new vocalist after I was yabbering about my theory of it being him over here awhile back, he could full well just be trolling.
He could be but that would be so pointless, it seems a bit much to drop these little things over a period of 8 months to troll a few Bloodbath fans. The idea of him doing vocals has been in the air since before Unblessing The Purity on the Novembers Doom forum so sure he has room to play with it but he didn't ever comment on it beyond "I'd like to" back then.

I could be wrong but from a logical standpoint Paul is the most obvious answer as of now. If it isn't him then the dude has way too much time on his hands
I noticed that too. I am still not sure if that's a facebook issue, or he posted if before he left, or if we are being trolled masterfully. Or if it is just a hint but he is actually just recording here (which makes more sense, not sure why you'd travel to Sweden to record vocals)

Yup.... Definitely the Bloodbath forum