Recording Keys?


Nov 22, 2007
As far as recording goes im pretty inexperienced ,i know the basics(center the drums/bass ,and record one guitar track to the left and another to the right).Im sure this is more of an opinion type of deal but where would the keyboard track be placed to get a decent sound...keep in mind i dont have my stuff set up to goof around and figure it out on my own.
There are more places than just 100% left/right. The best way would probably be to go with keyboard leads in the center, and with chords and layers you could do the same as with guitars, but place them somewhat around 40-60% left/right.
There are no rules, trust your ears. It might be more important to eq the keys and other competing instruments to make everything fit in the mix than simply finding a good spot in the stereo field. Ambiance/verb etc. can also be used to place instruments front to back in the sound field.