Recording Keys


Aug 27, 2003
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I've been recording a project for a little while now, and I have to record some keys(background synth stuff mostly). I was just wondering how do you guys(andy or anyone else) get the keys to blend in nicely with everything else. Is there a huge mixing or eqing secret that I don't know, or do you just mix the keys like you would anything else?
Keys are different from other instruments in that you have to make a decsision for each part as to whether it is a melody instrument or a rhythm instrument. How you treat in in the mix should be based largely on that. This perspective effects how you eq, pan and everything else. My best kbd recording advice is to make sure that the sounds you've chosen (and the notes for that matter) work well with everything else that is going on. Sometimes kbd sounds that are great soloed just walk all over everything in a mix and leave no room for anything else. Also, don't assume that you have to hard pan a stereo kbd sounds....sometimes they mix much easier in mono. Hope that helps