Recording n00b... epic metal song


Jan 25, 2009
Waterloo/Brampton, ON
So this is my first full recording with all instruments (drums, bass, etc). I'm not really looking for a rating as it's probably not up to snuff, but I'd like some advice on how to improve.

And actually it's not the full song just the intro, and I totally blundered the last note on two seperate tracks... but that will be fixed as i continue recording. Hopefully I gain some valuable advice!

Have at it.
Yep, can't hear the snare. Kick is just this subby sound. No body at all.

Song is not bad tho.
Any suggestions for guitar tone? I'm having trouble... i feel like certain sections are too muffled and weak sounding while certain parts are too ice-picky.

How do I make the durms more present as they are (apparently) already clipping in Garageband.