Recording Newbie Seeking Feedback


Oct 3, 2013
Hey Everyone:

Long time guitarist here, new to the world of home production, DAWs and the like. I am currently working on producing a series of home demos, and I'm in need of some feedback and advice regarding home production.

This is the first bounce of an original instrumental track I'm working on. It's just scratch guitars and MIDI drums so far. I'm going for a power metal/traditional heavy metal sort of vibe and I'm at a loss on how to mix my drums. I am using Reaper and EZ Drummer with the Metal Machine extension.

Drum-wise, I'm going for a really punchy, roomy type of sound. Think Megadeth's "Endgame", Stratovarius' "Elements Pt. 2" or Hammerfall's "Chapter V" (the track "Take the Black" particularly comes to mind). As you can hear, I am way off the mark, mainly because I don't know what frequencies to boost and what effects to add to approach that sound. I know I won't be able to duplicate it exactly with the tools that I have, but if I can recreate it a bit, I'd be happy.

Can you guys point me in the right direction and provide some feedback as to what I'm doing wrong? Please keep in mind the guitars are scratch; no overdubs or processing, a few hiccups, etc. It's just one track I recorded for reference to program drums. Off the top of my head, I know I want to humanize the drums a lot more and add some more fills in the straight-forward parts so it doesn't sound so monotonous.

Here's the link : Demo.mp3

Thank you!