Recording Schools

This is my take on it:

When I was 17 I travelled to London, England to do a 2 month course (it was the only thing I could afford, both time and money-wise) at Alchemea College of Audio Engineering in Islington. Let me tell you, it was an experience of a fucking lifetime. Enjoyed it and learnt a lot! However, a substantial part of the learning was done by me (through experimentation and research to delve into what was being taught) not by the teachers directly ( who only had time to brush over topics and never get into enough detail). One setback is that your lecturers are most likely professionals in the business, but that doesn't mean they're good at teaching. It's a different ball-game entirely. Therefore, it's up to you to do your own research. I learnt a lot because I had the gear available and the assistance at my fingertips, but the enthusiasm has to come from you.

My conclusion is this:

Whilst I did learn many things I would have found difficult to learn off the internet or books (at times I was like: WOAH so THAT's how it's done!), I learnt a shitload off these forums too that weren't even mentioned there!

So it's a mixed bag really. If you CAN attend such a college without much strain on your life (money, priorities, etc), then go for it man, if the school is good it will be a fantastic experience being around your dreams!

However, if it will require extraneous effort which might be damaging to you or risky in some way, books, the internet and forums like these will suffice nicely, and it would be best spending the money on awesome gear :)

(Of course, this won't mean much coming from me as I contributed virtually nothing to the forum yet; but I'm working on it :) )

I looked at this place, but those prices :eek: I live in the area though haha
What comes to audio engineering, there's lots of stuff you can't learn without reading quite a bit, and there's lots of stuff you can't learn without getting hands-on experience, but there's absolutely nothing you can't learn if you don't get a degree.

This is of course, true of everything ever. I'm saying people who advertise the sneap forum as a free alternative to a formal education are misleading people.
Thanks for all the replies, theres a lot to think about. I am about to go into my second year of a 5 year business degree, but unfortunately where i live (an island on the east coast of canada) there are no audio engineering programs that i could take on the side. There actually aren't even in any serious studios where i could intern which sucks. Someone here with a half legit studio should take me on for the remainder of the summer and show me everything that theres to know haha.
Get yourself a degree in something that will go further in the job market

if you want to put some money into any sort of education, get yourself a certification in Pro-Tools or Logic, it'll help if you try getting work in a studio anywhere

with regards to this bizz, alot of guys above have mentioned knowing the right people... do it... get to know promoters, bands etc in your area

for the learning about what to do when it comes to recording... your signed up to a forum that taught me a shit load more than i learned in the two years i went to colelge doing music production...