recording screams, and post on em


Always The Understudy Vox
May 12, 2011
Temecula CA
hey guys, when you track scream vocals how do you go about it? i use an an outboard compressor(dbx266) to even the screams out, as of now i dont have a sm7b so i use a sm57, but as for afterwards, do youi guys put a distortion plug on it? do you have a favorite? i run logic, has anyone put a pod farm distortion on a vocal? Thanks!
Just be sure not to do too much processing on the way in as you won't be able to remove it. Only go for a few DB's of gain reduction if you're applying it on the way in. Most of my processing is done post so I can tweak and undo if needed. If I add any distortion I do it lightly so that it just reaches the point of break up.
My way goes like this.
Record a million takes.
Edit them all.
Group them.
Compress them to shit.
Limit them.
Send the group to an OD of sorts, sometimes I send the hi's to a different one to the lows etc.
Send the group to verb(OD doesn't go to this), again, sometimes different screams go to different verbs.
Group everything.

Sometimes I'll have a channel or two within the group being crushed by a compressor before the main group comp.

Works for me.

The biggest thing for me with vocal tracks/screams is layering.
If a screamer has a weak scream, layer THE FUCK OUT OF IT.
Usually the hardest part is getting the right take. I usually double track and go from there, then I put a eq, hard compression and maybe reverb/delay if I feel like it. The most important is probably compression.
i always screw up the delay part of things, whats a good starting place? is the effect just to fill out the scream? like make fuller?

Usually the hardest part is getting the right take. I usually double track and go from there, then I put a eq, hard compression and maybe reverb/delay if I feel like it. The most important is probably compression.
i always screw up the delay part of things, whats a good starting place? is the effect just to fill out the scream? like make fuller?
Make the delay go along with the tempo of the song, and make it subtle. For parts that are really focused on vocals it'll probably sound good if cranked up a little more.
And yes, you're right it "fills out" the scream, or helps the vocals GEL in the mix instead of sounding like they should be on a straight up hardcore album.
Make the delay go along with the tempo of the song, and make it subtle. For parts that are really focused on vocals it'll probably sound good if cranked up a little more.
And yes, you're right it "fills out" the scream, or helps the vocals GEL in the mix instead of sounding like they should be on a straight up hardcore album.

do you put distortion on vox too? whats a good start for applying distortion? i'm used to hearing the clarity of someones voice when they scream, so i never know how much to put on. do you know any good distortions to use?
I tend to use saturation rather than full on distortion. Something like Massey Tapehead or the saturation in Softube Trident eq.

Sometimes though the screamer sucks and you need some actual distortion.