Screams on an SM57?

Well thats what I was going for, if a vocalist is holding a mic I've found it cuts out alot of the noise elements that float in the room because of the natural movemnet of a human. I could be wrong but it's worked for me time and time again and produced good results
Well thats what I was going for, if a vocalist is holding a mic I've found it cuts out alot of the noise elements that float in the room because of the natural movemnet of a human. I could be wrong but it's worked for me time and time again and produced good results

Hey, the end result is all that matters, so all good :) But it should work pretty much the opposite, as the omni pattern picks up sound from everywhere around it, whereas the SM57's natural cardioid pattern is, well, directional.
Well with the combo of the tape, which if you look, i make sure as to not cover where the actual screen starts and the windscreen it seems to only pick up exactly whats in front of it, or at least picks it up well enough so that a singer moving around and holding a mic is captured pretty fluidly
Well with the combo of the tape, which if you look, i make sure as to not cover where the actual screen starts and the windscreen it seems to only pick up exactly whats in front of it, or at least picks it up well enough so that a singer moving around and holding a mic is captured pretty fluidly

Yep, but the side holes are actually there to let air into the capsule from the other directions, but they are placed so that those sounds will cancel themselves, making the microphone directional. Take a look at the Sennheiser MKH20, for example:

There are no holes on the sides of the capsule, yet it's still an omni condenser, because all sound is entering the capsule from the same side. I'm pretty much nitpicking here since you already said that it works for you, but I find the way microphones actually work pretty fascinating :)
That they do, and you're probably right, I just use that trick because I heard of others doing it and just assumed that it made it more directional, but hell maybe my error is what causes it to work so well upon further thought seeing as the vocalist does move and perhaps in making the mic more omni directional it causes the movements to pick up more in the mic? Just food for thought
You're actually covering most of the holes on the side of the grill, pretty effectively changing it's pattern towards omni, which probably isn't what you're looking for in this case. The holes are there for a reason, try not cover them up.

this is actually why im convinced my SM57 vocal recordings sound so sick
i cover some of the hole with my hand instead of tape.
Do you think SM57 is better than SM58 on screaming vocals? I´m probably going to record a girl that sings similar to Angela from Arch Enemy and I´m not sure which one to use after reading this thread.

easier to reduce plosives with a 58 but theres something about 57's that i prefer overall man, i think it's cos there's less temptation to cup the mic.