recording software?


Jan 5, 2005
hia guys.

Just wondering if anyone knows of any easy to use, decent recording software that i could get for free from the net? (legally or not ;) )
Doesn't need to be great quality really, just kinda need it to help writing stuff...i had a copy of music maker 6 that i got wiht a magazine ages ago, but it's so old they won't let me register it any more on my new computer =(

Cheers, Chris
There's a link on to a free demo version of a great recording program. It caps you off at 8 tracks, but with infinite bouncing capability, that should hardly be a problem. It's a decent program seeing as how it's free. You can also get Quartz Audio at, which is I think a 4-track program.

There are some decent free programs floating around, but be warned: if you have trouble using it, it's not the program's fault, it's probably your sound card's fault.
On Bit Torrent there are many good programs...

There's always Pro Tools..... Nuendo is good.... CUBASE as well.....

It's all FREE FREE FREE thanks to tha WWW..... :D
Well, Pro Tools are for Macs only so if you're the (un)lucky owner of a Mac then try it out.
Then there's the choice between Cubase (Steinberg) and SONAR (Cakewalk). Both are great progs and there's really not a side you can easily choose. Have in mind though, that Cubase is a little bit more heavy than SONAR and kinda buggy from time to time due to it's extremely idiotic dongle protection. (especially if you d/l a cracked version)

Other less pro-oriented progs you could check out are :
Cakewalk Home Studio
Cakewalk Music Creator
n-Track Studio
...and others you'll easily find if you google a bit
"How much HD space do these progs take up....???"
dont really know but the .wav's are killer, on one song i recorded, it had lie 60 wavs and was over 600 megs, and i have over 3,000 wavs so far and it has taken up around 1/4 of my second hard drive.
I can recommend two software solutions, if you like to keep it legally.
You can either check out Audacity a freeware 8 tack audio editor, also being able to host VST programs, or Kristal, which also comes for free and with similar functions. The programs don't take too much place on your hard drive, but if you start recording wav files on eight tracks, make sure to have enough space for those.
Mullet Power said:
How much HD space do these progs take up....???

Well, I'm not at my comp these days but Cubase and Sonar should fill about 100 megs of disk space each.

Since Cubase uses the wav audio format for recording keep in mind the following:

1 sec of cd quality wav audio (44100 samples, 16 bit resolution, stereo)=ca 172KB. Using some simple math you realise that 5 mins of a single audio track would reserve 5*60*172=51600 KB or 50 MB of your precious hd which means a standard 8 track recording would take up around 400 megs...

So, keep your 40 gb hd at hand...

Generally, the formula for a wav file is:
Sample rate x Resolution (x 2 if stereo) = bits <-divide by 8 to get bytes then by 1024 for KB etc etc...

Hope this helps out a "bit", :dopey: