Recording starts October 25th!


Allow me to set the rumour mill into full flow in relation to this "big surprise" :lol:

My guess is either a 10 minute + epic, or else a guest appearance by somebody! :headbang:
Finally! I hope this rivals Neverworld. That was a fucking brilliant album.

POWER QUEST - "The Recording Of The New Album Is Going Well"

Posted on Saturday, November 03, 2007 at 07:35:57 EST

UK melodic power metallers POWER QUEST have issued the following update:

"The recording of the new album is going well. Francesco (Tresca) has completed his drum tracks for all the songs and Andrea (Martongelli) has already started the guitars and is making awesome progress. Steve Scott will fly to Italy this week to put down his bass parts and then Steve Williams (keyboards) and Richard West (THRESHOLD) will fly out on November 12th to record vocals and keyboards, with Richard handling production duties on vocals and keyboards.

Meanwhile Steve Williams has just returned from Poland after taking part in the rock opera She which was written by Clive Nolan and performed by Caamora. You can check out the website here.

The live DVD of the Caamora performance will be released on January 28th, 2008 by Metal Mind Productions."
hi guys all the bass is now complete the new stuff sounds great so much heavier than before, im so impressed and happy, we have played our guts out , the music is more complex more technical and we are playing better as musicians, this album will rock your socks off, we have D tuned and i even went down to C in some places, its very bombastic riffy metal anthems, i cant wait to hear what steve williams and allessio will add to whats already been recorded this week. Nick and richard will do wonders to the mix and sound.
this album will be the catchiest most uplifting record we have done, think of a mix of all 3 albums plus big giant balls heavy power metal :headbang: and then you have some idea of what its gonna be
i havent even mentioned the solos yet either ... im speechless

Haha :lol: That does all sound super epic Steve, I can't imagine what a 'heavier' PQ might sound like but catchy, uplifting, big giant balls heavy power metal sounds like a new genre of it's own!!