Recording while drunk


Apr 18, 2009
Marion, Ohio
Do any of you guys get completely shit faced and record stuff? Then the next day you go and listen to it and are like what the hell??!?! lol. I kind of had a what the hell experience this morning when I pulled off a pretty damn good guitar tone using my pod into the effects loop of my Fender Roc Pro 1000 with a jensen house stereo speaker.

Heres the song I recorded:

And here is a picture of the recording setup lmfao:

It's just funny as hell to me I could pull off a decent guitar tone using such a ghetto setup.
Lmao, me and my buddy have talked about making a black metal album here quite a bit recently. I think I found the perfect way to record it. Might have to get shitfaced to do it too!
i recorded a little drunken clip ages ago but i dont have it anymore, it was hilarious though
Depends how drunk, if its beer then after the first pint or two you're really relaxed which can help for a take, but more than that and it turns to shiiit.
I don't think being drunk would help with timing or concentrating on the playing, but hey, what ever works for you!

i dont think thats really the point
the point is that it yeilds fucking hilarious results.
I recorded my old bands song drunk.. and it actually turned out pretty good!
Except for the vocals, mainly because the singer had never really heard him self sing, first time recording and my first experience with actually recording vocals.. soo, yeah.
yeh i once recorded a full album drunk, and it was over a month of recording we just got wasted everyday it turned out great too cuz im just a better person allaround when im drunk.
This one time, I tried to overcome my writer's block by drinking wine. After one glass, I still didn't feel "inspired" and I thought I needed more. After the second glass, I realized I had ventured too deep into the drunken land that I couldn't really play very well at all. I ended up listening to Strapping Young Lad and finishing the rest of the bottle... and posting here at the forum while doing so.

So yea, fuck alcohol and music! But I agree a beer or two might help relaxing.
Up to 5 beers is ok, more beer makes me feel like if I were playing with cooking mittens like this:

nope - yall know my stance on food during recording (lol) so like i said last time, this is your job and your industry you decided to go in to, there is a time and place to get drunk and work isn't it - you wouldn't get pissed if you were a doctor going into surgery or something (well rightfully you shouldn't) so dont do it when your working no matter what your job is - after all... if someone is paying you do do a job they expect you do at least be sober & in a right state of mind while doing it - i wouldn't want a drunk surgeon working on me or a drunk anyone (builder, sales rep, pilot anything)

call me old & lame - meh - i dont care
id have a problem with an engineer being drunk if i was a musician tracking an album
stoned though? nah. no probs.
nope although i have been known to crack one beer at the end of a long day when im winding the session up.
I only ever play drunk when i get back to my mates after a night out and drunkenly play all the punk songs i learned when i started out (offspring and such)

Recording as an engineer i've only been on caffienne, maybe a swig of mead...
just to add: thats not to say id blaze while tracking
i quite often have a smoke before mixing though, sensory enhancement and such!