recording with 6505


Mar 15, 2007
Mannheim, Germany
finally my 6505 arrived. just played some cords :OMG:
problem is: I like to record "silently" to pc with a impulse in cubase. I'm sticking up a box, inserting a dummy cable in return, and a cable from the send to the interface. as I'm cranking it up I'm noticing the attached cab is too loud. what are you guys doing for recording?
Assuming that works on a 6505 (not sure) - if not, yeah, dummy load such as tube cube, Palmer, Hot Plate...
actually you don't need a dummy load, just put the power switch ON and leave the standby-switch OFF and connect the 6505 lineout to interface

I always felt weird about doing that. I have heard that you are always supposed to have a load connected to an amp, even if it on stand by. But that may just be a precautionary thing.
I always felt weird about doing that. I have heard that you are always supposed to have a load connected to an amp, even if it on stand by. But that may just be a precautionary thing.

The cab is supposed to be connected ;) The amp is connected through the line out, not through the speaker out (where the cab is connected to).

Some amps have the ability to send through the FX loop send, where you'll get just a preamp signal. However, that method will not get the poweramp saturation to it. That's where you need the dummy load such as Koch Loadbox or THD Hot Plate.
ok. thanks for all the respones. to sum it up: putting a load on the amp is always a good idea. there will be a preamp signal through the amp even when switching to standby mode. sound perfect. thanks a lot
are you guys using the amp for rehearsals also? I figured out going over 3 at the post gain is looooooooooud. I love this amp
Some amps are just like that, and I'm pretty sure we established earlier in the thread that the 5150/6505 is one of 'em
sorry, I didn't want to bother you. I just read this sentence
actually you don't need a dummy load, just put the power switch ON and leave the standby-switch OFF and connect the 6505 lineout to interface
and thought it was a about the 6505? do you think all 6505/5150 are silent in standby, or only some. again I'm really sorry if I'm a bit stupid, but I still don't get it :rolleyes:
Sorry for getting impatient dude - to clarify, I think migreeni was speaking in generalities, cuz a lot of amps do work that way, but Postmortem1666 mentioned that his 6505 didn't, and I definitely remember seeing a bunch of other threads where people mentioned their 5150's/6505's were the same way (meaning, no preamp signal while on standby). It probably has to do with the amps not having a master volume, so I think you may be out of luck in that respect. Good luck!
ok thanks. I have mixed that up. by the way the engl fireball does have a signal when on standby. I just figured out, the longer the dummie-cable in the return-fx the calmer is the signal through the box attached, while keeping the send output at the same level. I just can't go over 3 post gain, but that should be enough.