Rectifier tone test

Do you prefer org or red?

  • org

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • red

    Votes: 8 47.1%

  • Total voters
Of course I can take a joke, but "if you don't like it you're fucking deaf like that doucebag [sic] etc." is a little beyond what I'd consider humorous joshing, and certainly more than just "simply stating" that it's awesome (and the "9/10 people agree" tacked on there was a nice touch, because the bandwagon argument is certainly the most logically sound way to prove your point). But you meant it as a joke, fine, whatever

The whole "if you don't like it you're fucking deaf" idea came from another thread, where it had a pretty humorous overtone. I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way :)
Well one issue is that the guitars are definitely louder in the orange clip compared to the red ;) Sounds good dude, aggressive, though a little kinda dirty, and those T75's have a weird hollow quality to 'em I'm really not too crazy about (even the tone on "Dead Heart" to me has it, it's just...odd sounding, I dunno)

Wow Markus, thanks for this words (I know you aren't a huge T75 fan):headbang:

They're not easy to mic like the v30's but if you find the right spot, they slay. I like t75's a lot

I like it too but I haven't find the right spot actually... Need to work a couple of hours on it:lol:

i find its actually less to do with the speakers with the 1960A with the anoying frequencies and more to do with the cab. My 1960A is loaded with V30s and i have some very annoying notchs i have to make to all my clips at around 3.8K and just a bit up from there at around 4K. Maybe its my mic positioning but i tend to have at least an inch away from the grille, similar to the sneap position, but its these harsh upper mids i can't seem to tame under the mic,

good clips though dude!

Really interesting man, need a try:worship:

I'm assuming a tubescreamer was used here?


Yes, TS9;)
org is way better, and puts alot of punch. I can't wait to hear drum n' bass ;) with that.