Red Baron

actually im 14 and the only person in my whole school who likes metal. so if your gonna put me down, where the hell else do i have to go? i think YOU shoudl grow up a little and respect the metal
(this message was directed to Iced in Flames, who seemed to have a little bit of sand in his vagina)
You live in California. There are more metalheads than you think. I live in Indiana. My town has 1500 people. How many you think like metal here?
If you want "respect" for metal perhaps you should get to know me first and find out how much I "respect" metal my friend.

My comment was based on the grrrrr and break shit comments btw.
It’s just one of those days
When you don’t wanna wake up
Everything is fucked
Everybody sucks
You don’t really know why
But you wanna justify
Rippin someones head off
No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to just stay away motherfucker
Its just one of those days
Gimme something to break
How bout your fucking face
I hope you know I pack a chainsaw
A chainsaw
A motherfuckin chainsaw
So come and get it

YEAEEEEEAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That song fuckin' rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang: Fred Durst should've joined Iced Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give it up for My Bizkit is Limp, motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: At least Ripper's never been booed off the stage in a fucking stadium. And if he did, he'd probably have more class than to call the crowd a bunch of faggots and challenge them to come up on stage and fight him. Funny how he said that, after he turned down a boxing match with Scott Stapp from Creed because he claims he's "not a violent person."

Anyway, you guys heard about that, right? The Chicago Summer Sanitarium show. I wish I had been there.

Fred Durst- what a joke, I laugh everytime I see that short fucker, he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he SHIT! Give me sumfin ta breack, ha 'bout ya fukin fath! What a whiny fuck
A bunch of guys I work with went the to Sanitarium tour. They said it was fucking hilarious when Durst was up there making an ass of himself. He's such a whiney bitch.
Red Baron/Blue Max sounded pretty stupid lyrics-wise,can't say much about the music yet.
Prejudices are shit,but pretty much hit home this time.

EDIT: I don't really like any of this war stuff in songs unless it's related to Middle-Earth...or Slayer/Metallica. Or maybe the only rule is to make lyrics that sound somewhat smart.
Red Baron/Blue Max is like Maiden's Alexander The Great,except that the person(s) isn't very interesting. "One hundred miles an know you're sure to die..." It's just really boring.
Where as Dark Saga or the Something Wicked trilogy have a really interesting subject that can be related to or at least found entertaining,I really don't find any of those things in this guy,even if he was good at killing people. I guess it's just the fact that Spawn and Set are fiction,so it's easier to make songs about them...

As for the music on Red Baron/Blue Max,it's not all too bad.
My prejudices lie in that dumbass chorus/choir thing in The Reckoning. Take it out. Please. On the lyrics, I don't really look to Iced Earth for good lyrics, and why should I? The lyrics have never been that great in the first place, and I don't expect that to change.
My only question is, what exactly makes lyrics good or bad? I mean, anything can be cheesy, especially when it's just words on a page. Put music to it, and even the dumbest lyrics can sound bad ass when the vocalist is putting real emotion into them.

Personally, I like IE's lyrics. Then again, I don't put too much emphasis on the cheese factor, because it's rock n' roll, and it's supposed to be cheesy. Hell, all metal is cheesy to some extent.
