Red Dragon Cartel

I'm looking forward to more from them, that is a great idea to have them tour together, here is a video from their show in San Diego, it was a fun time and great to see Jake playing again :headbang:

Ultimate Sin live with Red Dragon Cartel
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It's nice to see Jake out touring and playing again. However the singer is atrocious and needs to be dumped. IMO. That being said I would still go see them if they came within a reasonable distance from me.
Yeah.. the reviews of the first couple of shows that I saw were.. not good. Singing from a lyrics sheet and drunk on stage?
It seems to me that Jake could have his pick of singers, for the most part. I don't understand why he's went with someone so bad. I saw a few live videos and I agree, he sucks!


I don't know about his live stuff so much, but he's not too bad on his studio work. He sounded good on his songs with Harem Scarem, and his solo album is pretty decent. He's kinda like a rougher, less polished Harry Hess.
the video I posted is from the second show, they have only done two shows, the first show was a very rough show, the second one was great, the singer was not drunk on the second show and nailed the songs including some nice badlands tunes as well here are a couple from the second show

High Wire

In a Dream
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The second two videos are slightly better than the first live one, but pretty far from "nailed" imho. He's no where close to Ray Gillen!
Here's their new official vid. I understand Jake probably didn't want another Badlands....he would have gotten a different singer....but if I take this as a late 80's early 90's sleaze rock track then it works pretty well. I get an early Shotgun Messiah feel from it, which isn't a bad thing for me. His guitar is still SO distinctive.

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First off, Jake sounds great! It's hard to believe the guy went a long period of time without even as so much as picking up a guitar. It goes to show you how naturally talented he is. Secondly, this song is okay, but nothing great. If it weren't for Jake I'd pass on this in a heartbeat. Lastly, the singer is going to take some getting use to. He's just not a good singer, but he sounds somewhat unique...maybe that's the problem.

the singer sucks...makes it really hard to like the new stuff, Jake E Lee is AWESOME!!!
I don't get the backlash on the vocalist. I like his passion in the video. The man fucked up the first show, obviously on drugs or drunk, but it hasn't been the first band. Give the guy a break!!
i saw Jake back in 1995, he had Mandy Lion as his singer. Left after the Ultimate Sin, about three songs in.

Yeah, he can have any singer he wants, he just has different tastes than the rest of us, LOL.

All right, maybe that's not fair, this is a guy who played with Ray Gillen.