Redemption rarities


the last in line
Aug 22, 2009
Western New York
I've read on the 'net that Redemption recorded and released covers of UFO's "Love To Love" and a Tori Amos song, possibly as bonus tracks on some version of the "The Origin of Ruin".

[No doubt this has been discussed in years past on this board, but the search engine decided that "Love to love" (entered in quotes, mind you) consisted of words too common to use, and refused the second half of "redemption and ufo" as a search. So I gave up. Sorry.]

Three related requests:
1. Can anyone shed light on this version of "The Origin of Ruin"? Was it only sold in [pick your favorite region of the world]? Was it never sold, but only sent to [lucky souls] as a promo release? Alternately, have these tracks appeared anywhere else? (A tribute album to UFO, say?)

2. Nick, if you're reading this, please consider putting these tracks up for sale on Amazon and/or itunes.

3. Are there other (legitimate) Redemption rarities on the market that one ought to be scouring ebay in search of?
Redemption's website shows Tori Amos's "Precious Things" was a bonus track on the Japanese release of The Origins of Ruin. The only cover song I've actually heard is Faith No More's "The Real Thing". It was a bonus track on The Fullness Of Time released on the record label Massacre Records (UK). I did a quick search and was able to find it at several online stores and eBay as well.
Nick and company have had a habit of recording cover songs for EACH album, including the current one, and most likely the next album (already half-written AFAIK).

The s/t had Synchronicity 2.
Fullness had FNM's "The Real Thing"
Origins had both Tori's "Precious Things" and UFO's "Love to Love"
the new album has nothing released. BUt I know the pool of songs Redemption has either recorded or intended to, and they show a class of good taste all round.
Also, iTunes shows an 11th track on Snowfall on Judgement Day, titled "S.O.C." (I'm assuming this is from a Japanese/European version?).

I'm assuming this is the instrumental that they recorded for Dream Theater's "Stream of Consciousness" contest (which was used as the backing track for the photo gallery on their "Frozen in the Moment" DVD).

The "S.O.C." track is unfortunately listed on iTunes as "Album Only," which means you can only get it if you buy the whole album via iTunes.

Some quick answers for you (Ben has most of it).

First album: Synchronicity II was recorded; unreleased.

Second album: FNM's The Real Thing was included on the Brazilian pressing of Fullness.

Third album: Tori Amos' Precious Things was included on the Japanese release; Love to Love was recorded and on our Myspace page for a while.

Fourth album: We tried some things but didn't record anything.

S.O.C. is indeed the instrumental recorded for the Dream Theater contest a few years ago.
Is there any place where I could get the FNM cover tune on my ipod? Same thing with UFO's Love to Love!!!!!