Redemption update for those interested...


Feb 11, 2002
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Hello friends.

It has been a long several months of negotiating with our label but we finally have news.

Redemption's live DVD will be released early next year. It was filmed in 5-camera hi-definition at the Progpower festival in Atlanta. It will be released as a DVD with a bonus live CD of the performance.

The performance includes:

Bleed Me Dry
The Suffocating Silence
Fall On You
The Death of Faith & Reason

Runtime for the concert will be approximately 67 minutes. In addition, the DVD will contain a bonus tour diary / slideshow of our tour with Dream Theater, with our unreleased instrumental based on Dream Theater's Stream of Consciousness that we recorded before Ray joined the band. It was this instrumental that caught the attention of Dream Theater, so we thought it would be fun to include it on a DVD that commemorates our first tour with them.

Additional bonus materials will be included as well.

We also have a winner in the contest to name our DVD...over the over 100 entries we received, four chose the same name. We'll announce that name, and the winners (who will receive autographed copies of the DVD) in the next couple of weeks.

Lastly, we are hard at work writing material for Redemption's fourth CD and should have new music out before next summer. There will be between 8 and 10 tracks, and they range from heavy to epic, with the signature Redemption sense of musical urgency to them. We're very excited to start recording in the next several weeks.

Thank you very much for your continued interest and support through this extended period of's been frustrating for us as well, but we look forward to putting this delay behind us and getting back to making music for you.

All the best,
Did you do some overdubs on Ray's vocals? No disrespect because l'm a huge Redemption fan & an utter Ray Alder fanboi...but Ray did have to struggle some last year. Just curious how you approached that.
Did you do some overdubs on Ray's vocals? No disrespect because l'm a huge Redemption fan & an utter Ray Alder fanboi...but Ray did have to struggle some last year. Just curious how you approached that.

When was this? I thought Ray did a great job and that Redemption were one of the best bands of the fest.
FANTASTIC news!!! Of course I should have known I'd find out the DVD information in the PPUSA forum first (well, I visit/lurk here a lot more frequently than Nocturnal Horde to be honest, but I have been checking there from time to time too.) This will be a first day purchase for me.
Did you do some overdubs on Ray's vocals? No disrespect because l'm a huge Redemption fan & an utter Ray Alder fanboi...but Ray did have to struggle some last year. Just curious how you approached that.

There are no overdubs of vocals or anything else. As somebody said, Ray brought it at Progpower.
Did you do some overdubs on Ray's vocals? No disrespect because l'm a huge Redemption fan & an utter Ray Alder fanboi...but Ray did have to struggle some last year. Just curious how you approached that.

I was wondering this too. During a few parts, particularly during Sapphire, Ray sounded a bit taxed. BUT, in Ray's case I think it actually adds to the performance. Rather than sounding like a carbon-copy performance of the cd, he brings an emotional, gritty feel to the table that is routinely lacking in many PP performances. Ray's vocal was top notch in my book, perhaps not for some, but for me it was a one of a kind performance.
l agree his emotion & phrasing was without was a good performance. Not his best though...l've seen him with Fates 5 times. Redemption ruled that night. But Ray simply struggled to get out what high notes he made & on some he didn't even try. l recognized this early in the set. l was just curious if they touched it up...but that was answered.