Rediscovery pt. 1

RR1 Player said:
Honor Thy Fat! LOL I'm pretty sure I know what that means.

Well, ill explain. We (my band) were all at my drummers house (my drummer is v01c354nd51gn5 on these boards) and it was the weekend right after train of thought came out. We were all sitting around the computer and listning to it and when it got to number four (honor thy father), thats what the hting on the bar on the bottom of the screen said, but it cut it off after the "T" so it read "honor thy fat", and the first thing tat came to mind was michael romeo, so we named our sx medley after it. NO offence to mike i love his playing to death and i hear he is an awesome guy and we wouldnt want him to get all worked up over us calling him fat :D

COme on guys, help me out wiht the tabs, my drummer is gonna kill me if i cant get them!!!!!!
Oops. Sorry. But the tab used to be there I've downloaded it once, but didn't save it. I wonder why it has been deleted...?

I'll tab it tonight. OK?
1by4by9 said:
Oops. Sorry. But the tab used to be there I've downloaded it once, but didn't save it. I wonder why it has been deleted...?

I'll tab it tonight. OK?

dude, that would be awesome.....i love a strictly heterosexual way :worship:

I knwo ive downloaded some of your tabs from there didnt tab out ayreon's dwan of a million souls did you? i think that might be the one and prolly others too.
Luv U too. I did tab DOAMS and some other Ayreon-tabs. Still tabbing.

I'll send in Redisc in few hours...

edit: it took only about an hour... :)

Symphony X
Rediscovery Part I
Transcribed by [email][/email]

Play this sequence 6 times altogether                                                                           







0:57 Play this part 4 times altogether


Break the end slowly with F#m

And then to the heavy riffin' a'la Part II!


Does your keyboardist need any help with the song?
thanks dude i really really appreciate it.

Actually, my keyboardist probably could use some help with it, hes got some of it down but still workin on it. Nice job on the dawn of a million souls tabs by the way.....just started workin on it last nite.
Well at 0:57 keyboard plays Eb and B chords. There's some sort of melody over them too. The main solo is in Cm, I'll send in something tomorrow, it'll be in ASCII-format just like those before.

Play twice.
     Eb                           B               Eb                          

You know I take it back, the whole calling you a bastard thing. One time me and my old bass player sat around changing around DT and SX song titles. Like the Mike Portnoy tribute, "Out of the Asses." I don't think "Strange Takeout Food" needs any explanation. Oh man, we got out the discographies and used almost every song to make fun of some metal musician. Good times.