
Othr than Willowtip, Redstream is the most reliable mailorder. Those two are the only ones I feel entirely comfortable with, and the only two I fully trust.

BTW, Willowtip just got a shitload of new stuff in, if anyone's interested. Just made an order.
Well then, pay day is an excellent time to finally get Goatsblood and Ion Dissonance then...

I've Never Ordered From Redstream, But I Will In The Future Because The End Is Starting To Piss Me Off.
Barnes and Noble t'ain't what it used to be either, prices keep going up and shipping takes 2 weeks or longer because they switched to Drop Ship Express. :puke:
HarmonyDies.... said:
Because I'm A Loser
Well Then That Makes Two Of Us. :)

By the way, Red Stream = 3 days shipping. No lie people, I don't know how they do it.

@Dreamlord - you said once that you thought Redstream packaged the CDs better than The End. I would have to disagree. The last batch I ordered (3 CDs) came in a regular brown envelope!! However, not a scratch or crack on the jewel cases either....maybe my postwoman just loves me.
JayKeeley said:
@Dreamlord - you said once that you thought Redstream packaged the CDs better than The End. I would have to disagree. The last batch I ordered (3 CDs) came in a regular brown envelope!! However, not a scratch or crack on the jewel cases either....maybe my postwoman just loves me.
Regular brow envelope as in like an office envelope? With no bubble-wrap?

LAst order I got from them (1 CD) came in a nice bubble wrap envelope, tightly packed as always.

My last order from The End (1 CD) came in a simple white box with no protection whatsoever.

I've received more cracked cases and teeth from The End than any other mailorder.