Reflections and afterimages


Jun 3, 2002
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Do you usually look back at your past life? Or just look ahead?

Well, I guess sometimes everyone looks back in one's life - I do now :)
When you look back at it, what do you see? Do you like what you've experienced? Are proud of it? Or what? Do you think it matters at all? Are there certain things that peek out of the plain image of your past?

When I look back now (Still being pretty young, I'd say) I must say that I see much time that I wasted. Perhaps it's cause so much changed in my life within the last months. But there's nothing that peeks out, just plain living for the living's sake.

Ummm, that thread does now look weird to me... I'll see what you think about it, and if it's no such good, I'm gonna delete it again :p
Oh, this is a good thread...! :eek:)

I have a hard time looking back right now though,
cause I'm really focused on this moment and what is
about to come. I just received some news about an
old friend of mine who I haven't spoken with for
quite some time... But I'll give it a try! :eek:)

Looking back it depends on my mood what I see....
As I feel a bit stressed just now I remember the
calmness of being young and playfull :eek:) I remember
happy times with my father, calm moments with my
grandmother, playing football with my grandfather...
Family. I never thought I'd look back and think about
my family :eek:P

I wish I did more growing up. Was more active, learnt
more... I don't think there is anything special that
comes to mind when I look back, I'm just floating
through life... It's easier seeing important things
when you ask a question, like "Through the years,
what have been your worst experiences with your
family/school/whatever?" "What made you the most
happy" etc... :eek:)

I'll get back to this when I feel more connected :eek:)