Reflections on (Black-ish) Metal


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
I've noticed here of late, or at various places in the UM Forum, that there seems to be a bit of bashing about (older) Black Metal.

Being someone who got back into Metal a few years ago (given I started listening to Metal in 1986.. I'm 30) because of hearing Opeth, I've found myself initially getting into Death, then Melodic Death, Doom Death, Doom, Avant Doom and now, I've been stuck into Black (inc Viking) Metal and "Avant" Black for some time.

I did find that initially, (older) Black Metal was a little hard to digest. The low-fi production was a major distraction (given I used to get into cleaner production, and tighter sounds), but I'm finding that things like blastbeats (especially when used in bursts - see Immortals "Sons of Northern Darkness" album), the characteristic Black Metal shrieking (as opposed to low Death growls), and riffing styles have a positive and firm place in extreme music.

Sidenote: For those who don't know, the low fi and riffing styles of Black Metal come from punk, since Black Metal was essentially a fusion of punk and earlier Metal (circa late 70s and 80s). When you keep this in mind, it's much easier to listen to the music without letting factors of production / blast beats etc getting in the way

I guess I feel that Black Metal has more left "unexplored" than Death and (especially) Doom do. As much as I love Doom, the last band to do anything creative with Doom was probably Unholy (see their album, Rapture, it's an amazing piece of art). I also feel that Black Metal, given it's less emotional aspect (and also that it has Viking Metal as an offshoot) has more creative possibilities than Doom or Death do - while for example, Opeth are really a brilliant band, what they're doing is now... how can I say, predictable and perhaps a bit formulaic?

Consider how we see artists like Vintersorg and (both older and current) Borknagar taking Black-ish styles of metal away from nature and into science. Or Agalloch - taking melodic-ish Black metal into the realms of nature and combining with electronic subtleties, classical structures and unusual instruments).

This is actually VERY cool when you think about it, and to me, I feel it's a bit "untapped" and requires quite a bit of intelligence from the bands to dive into given it's academic factors. Couple this with Emperor-styled keyboard syphonics and acoustic sections, and we have some really cool things going on (example: Enslaved - clean/black/death vocals, combined with almost proggy structures, and a Black Metal base under it).

I know I might earn some flaming here, but ... I've been thinking about all this for quite some time now, it's been something I have also discussed with another friend who takes Metal VERY seriously... try to be creative with your responses folks, I look fwd to seeing your thoughts.

Cheers, Hubster
Hmm... lots of words but nevertheless, interesting reading.

Personally, I've never been a big fan of black metal. If you weren't around when the thing exploded in the early ninties, I think it's quite hard to appreciate the very special sound that BM has. On the other hand, I do enjoy "Damned In Black" and "Sons Of Northern Darkness" with Immortal.

The same actually goes for death metal. I got into the whole metal-thingy from the gothic music and bands such as Tiamat, Moonspell and Therion. Although I like som death metal bands. Amon Amarth, although making records that sound alike, their personal style is something I appreciate. The Crown (RIP) were one of the best death/thrash metal bands I've ever heard - those guys had something of their own! I also like Behemoth a lot, and I think that this has to do with Nergal's quite unusual way of growling.
The thing is, I can't hear anything that captures my interest in bands such as Morbid Angel, Deicide, Death, Cannibal Corpse, Dismember, Entombed or any of the "oldies". These bands might have been important when the scene first was born, but as I said earlier, I weren't around then...

The thing about Death and Doom-metal not be capable of bringing something "new" into the music is something I can't say that I agree with. For instance, some of the death metal bands I mentioned before each has something that makes them unique. If you're going to label your music "doom" - you really don't have that many choices. As you said, there are few doom-bands that are capable of coming up with something interesting today, although I really enjoy every release of My Dying Bride up till today. I recieved Candlemass' new record yesterday and I'm glad to say that it's still innovative doom!

I really don't know what else to say on this subject, other than the fact that my fingers hurt now... :)

edit: oh, and I've never understood this fuzz about Emperor. I think they have recorded some of the worst black metal ever! I'd rather listen to any Darkthrone record, Ulver's "Nattens Madrigal" than "In The Nightside Eclipse" or "Anthems..." Really.
Well said, Hubster, but I don't really see how you can say black metal is "less emotional" than... well, pretty much anything given it's well done and all of that of course. Doom might be one of the few competators there are though. Also, not that this is really related nor do I have any basis for this except for a hunch, but anyway: I think you would appreciate Primordial and Beströyer 666. Get Spirit the Earth Aflame from the former and Unchain the Wolves by the latter.
I was born when you started listening metal, Hubster. And yet, I like the early works of black metal bands, Draugen. But not all of them. I like to say that I am mostly fan of black metal, but I am black metal's greatest criticiser. When the whole scene was starting, there were bands who were pretty serious about what they did. But there were also those who just wanted to pretend to be evil and do all sorts of idiotic things so their music stayed in the background. The low-fi production is terrible, but they couldn't do much more in those days. But stil, you can hear the difference between something with a point, and total shit. And I cannot disagree with you more, Draugen, when you say you prefer any Darkthrone album to Emperor's "Anthems..." and "In the Nightside Eclipse". But I must agree with you on Behemoth. :) They're a blast! But, I also like Behemoth's "Sventevith (storming near the Baltic)", for me one of the greatest black metal albums ever.

As for doom metal, geez,, I heard there are all kinds of doom sub-genres, such as death-doom, funeral-doom, etc.

And I believe, Hubster, that black metal developed from thrash metal, and not punk.
Horz said:
And I believe, Hubster, that black metal developed from thrash metal, and not punk.
I think it differes for every band. I can really see the Punk influnces in Darkthrones music.
Well, since Darkthrone's Soulside Journey is more death than black metal, and it was their first album, I don't believe they were influenced by punk.
Back then, they were all influenced by thrash metal mainly, and bands like Bathory, Venom and Celtic Frost are most deserving for the for the black metal (r)evolution.

You know who has the most punk in their music? Impaled Nazarene. :) (but that's the point, they're just crazy)
George said:
I think it differes for every band. I can really see the Punk influnces in Darkthrones music.

Thanks for the replies guys, getting interesting:-)

Check out Deathspell Omega - you can distinctly hear the punk influences in the riffing.
fotmbm said:
Well said, Hubster, but I don't really see how you can say black metal is "less emotional" than... well, pretty much anything given it's well done and all of that of course. Doom might be one of the few competators there are though. Also, not that this is really related nor do I have any basis for this except for a hunch, but anyway: I think you would appreciate Primordial and Beströyer 666. Get Spirit the Earth Aflame from the former and Unchain the Wolves by the latter.

I feel it's less emotional because darker emotion (eg sorrow, depression) isn't (in my opinion) the focus of Black Metal. That's the focus of DOOM metal.

Black Metal is a far more aggressive style than Doom is in my opinion.

So it's not that I'm saying Black Metal isn't emotional to listen to, I'm saying that being emotionally sweptisn't the focus of Black Metal.

However, with current day "hybrid" Black Metal, that has changed.
Here's what every genré is all about:

This is the situation: theres a beautiful princess trapped in a castle watched by a dragon. Heres the end of the story with different styles of metalheads as knights.

The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon, saves the princess and makes love to her in an enchanted forest.

The protagonist arrives, fights the dragon, saves the princess and fucks her.

The protagonist arrives on a harley, kills the dragon, drinks a few
beers and fucks the princess.

The protagonist arrives with a guitar and plays a solo of 26 minutes. The dragon kills himself out of boredom. The protagonist arrives to the princess bedroom, plays another solo with all the techniques and tunes he learned in the last year of the conservatory. The princess escapes looking for the ”HEAVY METAL” protagonist.

The protagonist arrives with some friends playing acordions, violins, flutes and many more weird instruments, the dragon falls sleep (because of all the dancing). Then everyone leaves....without the princess.

The protagonist arrives in a ship, kills the dragon with his mighty axe, skins the dragon and eats it, rapes the princess to death, steals her belongings and burns the castle before leaving.

The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon, fucks the princess and kills her, then leaves.

The protagonist arrives at midnight, kills the dragon and impales it in front of the castle. Then he sodomises the princess, drinks her blood in a ritual before killing her. Then he impales the princess next to the dragon.

The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon and spreads his guts in front of the castle, fucks the princess and kills her. Then he fucks the dead body again, slashes her belly and eats her guts. Then he fucks the carcass for the third time, burns the corpse and fucks it for the last time.

The protagonist arrives, sees the size of the dragon and thinks he could never beat him, then he gets depressed and commits suicide. The dragon eats his body and the princess as dessert. Thats the end of the sad story.

The protagonist arrives, the dragon laughs at the guys appearance and lets him enter. He steals the princess make-up and tries to paint the castle in a beautiful pink color.

The protagonist arrives in a run-down Honda Civic and attempts to fight the dragon but he burns to death when his moronic baggy clothes catch fire
The Hubster said:
I feel it's less emotional because darker emotion (eg sorrow, depression) isn't (in my opinion) the focus of Black Metal. That's the focus of DOOM metal.

Black Metal is a far more aggressive style than Doom is in my opinion.

So it's not that I'm saying Black Metal isn't emotional to listen to, I'm saying that being emotionally sweptisn't the focus of Black Metal.

However, with current day "hybrid" Black Metal, that has changed.
Well, in my opinion, music that doesn't feel is crap music... Then again of course it can feel very differently from case to case even within one genre
Not to be a bandwhore or anything, but I think that a lot of regulars here might enjoy my band's music... most of my inspiration is non-musical, but I have to say that Vintersorg has been a huge inspiration on my sound. It might not seem like it at first, but listen hard and you'll hear it :) The reason I post it here is because it is indeed "Black-ish" metal... I just like to call it Atmospheric Pagan/Folk Metal. Take a listen if you'd like... demos available for anyone who wants them.

(and if anyone is wondering about vocals, that first song is instrumental, and the second one is COMPLETELY unfinished in a lot of ways...)
Marksveld said:
Not to be a bandwhore or anything, but I think that a lot of regulars here might enjoy my band's music... most of my inspiration is non-musical, but I have to say that Vintersorg has been a huge inspiration on my sound. It might not seem like it at first, but listen hard and you'll hear it :) The reason I post it here is because it is indeed "Black-ish" metal... I just like to call it Atmospheric Pagan/Folk Metal. Take a listen if you'd like... demos available for anyone who wants them.

(and if anyone is wondering about vocals, that first song is instrumental, and the second one is COMPLETELY unfinished in a lot of ways...)

Heh, you bandwhore you :P

I actually checked out your stuff a few weeks ago, nice work! Looking fwd to hearing more.