Where do you come from.. musically? Where are you now?


Apr 19, 2002
Probably weird questions to ask, but here's what I wanna know:

I don't necessarily want your fave bands/musicians, but I wanna
know your fave 'genre' of metal and why it is so.

In addition, how long have you been into it/ history, and what do
you like besides it. Try to be as generic as possible......

I was into some Black Sabbath, then Guns 'n' Roses/Metallica for
a while... . I really kicked off around 1990 with Sepultura...
I was mostly into the most brutal of death, doom and black metal
for about 8 years. I ment everything else was crappy, soft shit.
(with a few exceptions!! Dream Theater etc) But around 1998 I
accepted more 'soft/melodic' stuff... like Iced Earth,
and also aome ambient stuff.. I was very 'true' he he, but I also
enjoyed classical and jazz because of the skills involved.
Im much more open for stuff these days, I assure you!
I still like death/black metal the best. Progressive 'death' rulz,
grim fucking black metal rulz..... but there's so many good in between!
Ok, that's as brief as I got it... how about you????

(No, I was lazy and didn't check for another thread about this issue :grin: )
I started listening to metal 4 and a half years ago.
When I was a kid I liked Queen and from there I jumped to NIN and then one day a friend took me to a "the gathering" concert and I liked what I heard so I started buying cd's.I listened to black metal for almost 2 years but stopped liking it and then I started listening to Iced Earth and lots of death metal bands.That's what I have been listening for 2 years now.More power metal and more death metal.
And ATG has been my favorite band for 3 years now heh
When I started listening to metal (and music in general) I started with Power Metal and Progressive Metal, I was only listening to those two genres for soem months, then I got into Death Metal and the rest of the genres.. So now I'm pretty much into all metal + a few non-metal groups..

Edit: corrected errors.
I started off with Ozzy's solo career. And after that got into some of the newer bands, like Red Hot Chili Peppers/Union Underground/Fuel. My friend got me into Children of Bodom, and after that I started searching random song names. Then I found Cannibal Corpse. I kept searching for stuff that way, and stumbled upon Mortician. I then got into really extreme death metal. But, I cannot choose my favorite type of metal, for I love every single type of metal out there.
I'm into Metal(Hardrock) for about 10 years now. It started with softer stuff but I never really focussed on a certain style. There is some great stuff to listen to everywhere.
Hm... I grew up with everything from classical, rock, pop,
soul, blues to hard-rock/metal. I love Deep Purple, Led
Zeppelin, Uriah Heep etc.... But I was more into indie...

Metallica has always been with me, but after the load
and re-load albums I was like "damn, there has to be
some other music like this out there!!!?" And I started
listening to Roxrevyen Mandag on the radio (Now
Ambolt for you Norwegians). It was way too heavy for
me, but I heard Opeth.... It was amazing :o)

I was pretty much into nu-metal for a while.... But also
a lot of goth. I enjoyed the folky stuff in goth, and the
melodic parts. This was the music I had been searching
for, for SO long! Iced Earth also hit me with their
"Something Wiched" album, but no other heavy metal
makes me 'feel' like Iced Earth does....

Then I moved on to Opeth (needed some time to get
used to it) and from there it's been pretty much
anything.... Now I have discovered that folk is really my
thing. I can't get enough of it!! But I think this might
change, just like I have grown out of the goth/doom

I also catch myself going towards more and more black
stuff. Keep getting more and more open to it, as I just
want things heavier and darker :o)
I grew up with (some) 70's rock stuff...
Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, King Crimson, Mike Oldfield and so on.

More recently- black metal was shot into my veins about 2 and 1/2 years ago.

But I like everything from Loreena McKennitt - Radiohead - Marduk...and anything that may be in between.

I started listening to metal about 3 years ago with Metallica & Megadeth. Before that I listened to Industrial & some Gothic bands.
Later that year I discovered Black Metal, which is mainly what I listen to now...
I also listen to some (neo, dark, electro, whatever)folk, elektr0.n0ise, (black)ambient, etc. that make me an untrue infidel ;)
i grew up listening to my older sisters megadeth and gnr albums. i was initially into thrash.
i then learned to love growling, the first of those was in flames' colony.
then came the melodic death metal, death metal, progressive, limited doom, followed by black metal, more thrash, then the epiphany that was vintersorg and borknagar.
i'm currently obsessed with vintersorg, borknagar, emperor and immortal. i've learned so much from these four... i don't think theres anywhere to go from here.
Well I grew up with a lot of eclectic stuff like 70's prog rock. I first got into metal when I was about 8 from a friend showing me Metallica Ride the Lightning. I didn't really get far into music for myself until I was about 9 (around 1994) when I started listening to a lot of Metallica and Smashing Pumpkins. For a couple years I was listening to some metal like Pantera and what not, and also some alternative type stuff like Silverchair. Sepultura was my first introduction to the heavier stuff, and from there I just started getting into Death metal like Morbid Angel and Carcass. Then in about 1998 I first started really getting into black metal, and it has been my favorite since. The atmosphere and emotion are what truly get me. My musical tastes have obviously expanded to prog, ambient, trance, darkwave, etc.
oh yeah I forgot to mention one breakthrhough moment in metal for me.I used to listen to lots of black metal and one day I got "elegy" from amorphis on my hands.after listening to that I decided that was the best thing I had heard,then ATG came along and then Iced Earth and Blind Guardian.That was enough for me to never listen to black metal,except Immortal who I love
Well, I think my first interest in music started when I was about 11 or 12 years old ... some of my first albums have been some newer Genesis-stuff I think, but it doesn't took that much time until I also discovered their old albums ("Nursery Cryme" / "Trespass" / "Selling England ..."). Later on I've also listened to some 70s Prog-Rock / Hard-Rock ( Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep ... ). And finally I got into metal when I was about 13 years old, I guess some of my first albums must have been Alice Cooper "Trash" and also some Ozzy / Black Sabbath ... first I've been quite more into that melodic metal-stuff, like Blind Guardian, but later I've also discovered some Black / DeathMetal - bands.
Originally posted by Mammon

is that still broadcasting, blackspirit?

Roxrevyen indeed! >:o) Well, they took it off the air,
but they still have a metalprogramme with the same
chick (never remember her name). It's called Ambolt
and is on air Sunday at 22:00 I think.... You might
want to check up the airingtime cause I'm not 100%
on it >:oP
I was into classic rock when I was around 10 or so, then I started playing guitar and got into Korn, Fear Factory, etc when I was 12 (remember, this was 94)...then I found Moonspell in late 94 when I got a copy of Under the Moonspell from a friend. From there it was onto death metal, then Black metal, then a lot of neo-classical shred and progressive power (though I still listen to and buy more BM than anything else)....I mainly play melodic BM/DM with a slight power/prog infl. on guitar...
i started with the Misfits in (89)....caught onto Danzig, metallica, and other metal around (91)....cannibal corpse and death metal around (95).....and i was just turned onto black metal about 2 years ago....i listen to metal, black metal, death metal, some punk, some old school hardcore, classical, some jazz, some blues.
thats about it really...oh yeah lots of swedish metal!! :)
My musical progression is a bit odd I guess...

I started out listening to Sabbath, Zeppelin, Metallica, GnR

at 15 I discovered power metal: Stratovarious, Rhapsody, Edguy

at 16 I saw a video that would change my life forever..Dream Theater's "lie" I was obsessed with Dream theater, it made me practice guitar 10 hrs a day, and have no life, to the point where I can now play all of Images and Words and Awake. I followed this prog rock thing for about a year..Symphony X, Shadow Gallery, Rush, Yes, Jason Becker, Borislav Mitic, Buckethead...etc

At 17, I got into heavier stuff, like In Flames, COB, Iced Eath...lol that was a quick phase, as I found myself still more into prog rock...Then all would change when I heard Emperor, Mayhem, and Immortal..became a huge black metal fan. I was in awe with the atmosphere, and the dark macabre sounding musical ideas...From there I got into a death/black metal band, from where I wa sintroduced to Death, Origin, Morbid Angel, Vader etc...

At the dawning of my 18th birthday last year, I heard Opeth for the first time...And..I...I was blown away like I have never been before..since that day, I am hooked..I make atmospheric, somber, melanchollie music...I use my voice as more of an intrument, mellow and dark acoustic ideas..Lately I have been drawn to that goth rock, goth metal type sound, almost folk in nature.

Although I still practice my ass off, and still can pull off everything I was able to when I was younger...I know blend my emotions and my feelings in my shred, playing my personality, playing my feelings..whether it be 10000 notes a second or 1 note a minute, it all comes from my heart and soul. So I think I matured musiclly to the point where I found my niche...Opeth, Katatonia, Anathema..etc Although I still love all my musical stages, and when I write music, I still incorparate, all my influences over the past 4 yrs..the whole In flames, gothenburg thing I just cant dig anymore..at all..*shrugs*