Which band got you into metal?

Originally posted by Claudius Rex
Does anyone have a place I can get samples of Borknagar's latest (w/ mr V) and Einherjer? Not looking to start an mp3 war here so I'm asking only for *samples*. Thank you much.


There's 2 complete songs for download there, and I can say that if you * at all * enjoy Viking metal as you've mentioned, you should just go get every one of their albums.

Einherjer rocks! \m/
with me it was, Einherjer and Vintersorg actually, so Crimson Rain and Naturens galleri, maybe not the best songs each of the "bands" has made, still hold a high emotional value to me. So they will always be the best of each band ;) .

Ofcourse i listened to Metallica, but atleast I don't characterise them as a "metal" band, its more of a heavy rock, but again thats my opinion.
When I was 5 or 6, I begged my sister to make me a copy of her Metallica AJFA tape. When she finally did it became my favorite tape, next to fraggle rock. After that I forgot about music 'til I was like 12, then I went through my "homie" phase for almost a year. One day when I was 15 I was looking for a good radio station and I heard Metallica's One being played and that got me into metal.
So is it true that Metallica was the first step into heavy metal for the majority of people? At least it's not an uncommon phenomenon.
When I was about 7 or so my friends older brother listened to lots of metal and I got into Metallica, and started buying metal CDs in like 5th grade. Here is something I posted on the Opeth board a really long time ago...
I first heard metal about 7 years ago so I was about 8 or so, my friends older brother was into metal and was always listening to Metallica, it was the first music that I as an individual became interested in. I continued to grow and like more things on my own, or find out from friends. My first Cd was a Smashing Pumpkins cd (uuuhhh can't remember the name) along with the Black album, and Nirvana's In Utero. I started listening to stuff like Korn and Coal Chamber, but was also interested in alternative music such as Bush. This all started to change a little bit once an older friend of mine told me to buy Blood Rooted by Sepultura. I slowly started becoming more interested in the more extreme side of metal, but it kind of went no where. Until two years ago when i was 13 and just out of the seventh grade a friend gave me an Earach compilation with Carcass' Keep on Rotting in the Free World, which boosted me into the more death/black (namely the vocals) side of things. I then bought the Blackend IV compilation, just because it was cheap and two discs, even though most of the stuff I had heard off of it i did not like. I took it home and listened till I reached a song called "The Amen Corner" and was stunned I then listened to "Demon of the Fall." I started listening to the compilation more and more and just got sucked into the Extreme metal scene. My favorite being of course Opeth!!!
So theres my little history :D
Originally posted by Somber Soul
So is it true that Metallica was the first step into heavy metal for the majority of people? At least it's not an uncommon phenomenon.

Yes, they got a lot of people into Metal... not me... I was already addicted through other bands...

Started with Uriah Heep, etc... to AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Girlschool, etc... of course, Metallica crossed my way too... but it wasn't them getting me in... :)
Originally posted by Morgana

Yes, they got a lot of people into Metal... not me... I was already addicted through other bands...

Started with Uriah Heep, etc... to AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Girlschool, etc... of course, Metallica crossed my way too... but it wasn't them getting me in... :)

I think Metallica might have gotten young people into metal at a certain period of time (early 90s?). You started earlier obviously.
Hi people on mr V's forum!
It may sound funny but Vintersorg actually IS the band which got me into true metal, together with Borknagar about a year ago.
before it i was listening to Linkin Park :lol: :lol: :lol:
but now i remember i bought a Paradise Lost CD around 2000 christmas so maybe it's them......